|24| Ready or not here I come

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It's 10 p.m. and we are currently waiting for Jason to pick us up to go to James' party. It's gonna be huge, I know almost everyone will come.

That's fine tho since Camila is with me and she will not leave my side. More likely I will not leave hers. Because first, I don't want to be alone somewhere where I don't really know many people, and second, she is mostly gonna be wasted tonight, and as a good friend, I will make sure she is safe at any moment.

We finally arrived, and there were a lot of people, probably too many. They are on all sides. Some people are already lying unconscious in front of the house. There is underwear on the portal, beers, and a lot of unidentified things everywhere, and it's only 11 pm. Jason already left us as soon as we entered the house.

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide.

Cami and I decided to take a little tour of the house. It's a huge and beautiful house. I guess James hid a lot of things to make sure there was less damage because I remember seeing more things in it last time I came and since the house is really full and people don't seem to be able to control themselves anymore.

Some are sucking each other's faces, while others are dancing in some really weird manners.

I follow Cami, she grabs two red cups, handing me one as she continues leading me I don't know where. We drink whatever is inside our cup, and after a few others, a lot of human contacts, having probably visited the whole house, we are heading outside to get some fresh air and perhaps see the boys, whom I have still not seen since I arrived.

Peter sees us and approaches to hug us, a huge smile on his flushed face. I can smell the alcohol in his breath, I'm sure he didn't only drink just one cup.

"My favorite girls!" I chuckle at his state, as he continues to hug us and shakes his head to the beat of the song.

"My favorite Peter!" I answer, I think he is satisfied with my answer because he takes me in his arms and makes me spin in the air. We laugh like children, which I feel drew attention to us.

Soon, everyone starts asking us to join them and play Beer Pong. Peter puts me down and takes my hand and Cami's one to take us to the table. The people around it are mostly the football team and some cheerleaders, along with some very drunk people I don't know. Of course, he is there. Looks like the party has finally started.

Gonna find you and take it slowly.

Peter goes around the table and leads us where Jason is, and obviously where he is too. I find myself squeezed between him and Peter since drunk Camila has decided that she wants to try the game right now. She's either a happy drunk or a crying drunk, right now she seems to be enjoying her night and she's really funny to watch.

All the boys seem a little drunk and everyone acts cheerfully and makes jokes and laughs. Strangely, I don't really smell alcohol on him, even when he talks. Maybe he is not drinking tonight.

Suddenly, I don't have time to understand what is happening to me, that I am engulfed in a tight embrace, and brought a little further from the table. I don't understand how and why my body is moving away from the table, I want to watch the game, but why did I have to move?

Oh shit, why do I resonate like a child in my head? I haven't drunk too much yet, well technically I don't know exactly what I ingested earlier.

"Shit, Arnolds, be careful man." A voice I know too well speaks, I feel the vibrations of his chest when he shouts. He releases me and inspects me from head to toe, his eyes run all over my body as I start to blush and feel self-conscious.

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