|23| I like to watch these things

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We are Saturday, to find an outfit for the evening tonight, Camila, Peter and I decided to go shopping. In fact, it was mainly Camila and me who forced Peter to come with us. Obviously, he couldn't refuse when we told him that we would pay for snacks for him all day and that we would have to be nice to him for a week.

This is not going to happen, but he is not aware of it.

He picks us up and drives us to the mall. We stop for a drink and then start our wonderful search for clothes. "Usually, I like to watch these things, but this is too much. I'm not going to buy your lingerie." Peter complains while we push him into the women's lingerie department.

"We need your help. You are a boy, you need to give us ideas," Cami says, grabbing him while he tries to escape. Some women look at us with fun, while men sympathize with him as they start to look at each other sharing their pain of shopping with girls. Which earns him a slap from Cami and makes me laugh.

"Why do you need my help, and why do you need new underwear? You have no one to show them to." The two of us look at him badly as he abdicates, sighs, and begins to browse the shelves to find the perfect set.

At one point, a saleswoman came to help us, it was so funny because it made Peter so embarrassed. We were acting like a couple, well rather I acted like his super embarrassing girlfriend. I asked intimate questions about how he wanted my underwear and everything, he was so red and Cami was laughing her ass off in the cabin next to mine.

"Whoa girl, I could sure swing for you if I wasn't straight. Oh yes, I'm already not." We both laugh as I twirl around in my underwear, Peter rolling his eyes but laughing with us.

"Please let me die," he supplies, making us laugh as I make him dance with me in my new outfit, a low-coverage outfit if I can clarify.

After many tries, a lot of laughter, and some awkward moments, we both find our happiness. Peter on the other hand is completely exhausted, he is currently lying on the armchair, buried under the tons of bags that we have accumulated today.

"Who would have thought that just watching half-naked girls would exhaust me, I would have never imagined it." He makes signs of exasperation and pretends to pass out, obviously, neither of us helps him to get up, passersby look at him strangely, and it makes us snicker.

"You are pathetic friends, my feet hurt. This is at least the fifteenth store we visit, and it's been almost three hours or even more. I'm going to die." I take back our bags from him, and we head to a small restaurant to buy something to snack on. He really needs it, he deserves it. I let him order what he wants, and I pay for the three of us.

"Actually, I have someone to show my underwear to," Camila says. I know who she's referring to but not Peter and that causes him to choke on his donuts. I hand him some water and keep eating my donuts because I already know the story.

"What, who?" He tries to say between several coughs, while I rub his back.

"My girlfriend, well, it's like a girlfriend. We haven't seen each other for real, but we always FaceTime. I really like her," she says, her face beaming with joy as she takes out her phone to show Peter a photo. She then keeps telling him the whole story while I check my phone because it's at least the fifteenth time I hear it and I don't want another round.

"Damn, she is beautiful. I hope she will treat you well, and if she does something to you, tell me. Girl or not, I will beat the shit out of her. Will you come with me Hot-Stuff?" We laugh and I nod my head while trying to grab a piece of his donut, which results in him biting my hand and pulling the donut away from me.

"Still two single Pringles. I can be yours, just ask me," he says to me, grabbing my hands and kissing them, while I laugh and grab his face, bringing him closer to me.

"Ready to mingle." I lick his face, making him jump. Camila and I burst out laughing, drawing attention to our table. Some people seem quite disgusted with us, but who cares?

"You're disgusting, save your saliva for someone else, like Elias for example," Peter tells me mischievously, winking as I glare at him while Camila smiles too cheerfully for my liking.

"I will kill you, and everyone will thank me for getting rid of you two." I grab my stuff and get up, ready to go while my stupid 'friends' are chuckling and high-fiving.

What have I done to deserve friends like them?

After this dreadful afternoon, because I'm not too addicted to shopping, we all crawled to my couch, and collapsed on it, almost falling asleep. No one is at home at the moment, so we are free to do what we want before tonight's party.

"We need to sleep a bit, I want to be at my best this evening. I want to have fun!" Cami screams and Peter hits her on the face with a pillow, then leads me to better position myself on him while Cami is now laying on the floor with all the pillows.

We watch Netflix but soon drift to sleep. Diego is the one who wakes us up around 9 a.m, telling us to go get ready if we want to be beautiful because at the moment we look like zombies. At that, we all hit him with pillows, but he shows us photos of us asleep earlier, rather compromising, to prevent us from continuing to harass him. What a jerk, he's lucky to have them, or we would have destroyed him.

Peter has to leave because his little brother needs him for musical things. So Cami and I go to my room to get ready. We chat and dance for a while. I'm going to take a shower after her, when I come back to the room in a towel, she's in her new underwear, ogling herself in the mirror. I put mine on and we keep dancing. We help each other to do our hair and make-up, it's now 9:45 am, and we are almost ready. We put on our outfits and approve of each other. We then go down and sit on the couch waiting for our ride. We watch an anime and talk about the evening tonight while contemplating the cute boys on the screen.

"Do you think Mackenzie is going to come and take our head tonight? Since Mia is with us, I seem to be waiting for the moment when she will unleash on us," she tells me, eating chips and petting Nala, who settles herself between us.

"I don't care, this girl is not a threat. She certainly has a big mouth, but she doesn't use it properly. She can come, I will make her regret having tried to break me," I say, completely absorbed by the screen but laughing since Nala is licking my leg.

"It's true, she certainly doesn't use it properly. But I don't want her to annoy us, and I don't want you to be hurt. This girl knows how to use everyone's weaknesses, I don't know how she gets all her information. She always seems to know everything, and she is never afraid of going overboard. Plus, I know you, you will not let yourself be mistreated, but that's exactly what she wants," she answers me, playing with Nala on the sofa. I hear the concern and apprehension in her voice. I know she is right but even if I am aware of it, when I face this girl, I forget everything and act simply by impulse.

"Yes, I know, but I'm not afraid of her. I don't think she can hurt me more than I have been before, so I really don't care." She gives me a curious look, but I ignore her and grab some chips.

Camila also doesn't know what happened to me, but Mackenzie knows it and that's the only thing I'm really afraid of about her.

"I'm here anyway, even if she has a grudge mainly against you. I think it's because of him. But no matter what, I'm here. And I'm sure if he needs to choose, he will choose you, which is a good thing but also a bad point because that is why she hates you. No matter how you reject him, and how you seem to dislike each other, he always seems to stay by your side and never hers. She's probably frustrated with it. She's been trying to have him for as long as I know the girl," she says.

I know who she is talking about making me sigh as look at her while she gives me an intense look, approaching me and placing her head on my thighs.

"Anyway, let's just enjoy our night. And if Miss bitch comes, we'll show her what we're made of." I give her my fist, and we fist bump, then we keep commenting on the screen and laughing while waiting to go to the party.

She's just a little shit on my way, but she seems to stick to my shoes even after all these years.

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