|17| This is not what it looks like

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It's Saturday afternoon, I'm in my garden, reading and relaxing. Diego is playing basketball next to me, and Noah and Jason are having a brother time at the store, shopping for new sports clothes. Of course, Diego and I were too lazy to accompany them.

They FaceTime and show us their things, and we approve or not. It's easier like that, and we can stay at home just chilling. I'm observing their finds when suddenly James tries to call me. I tell them they look good on them because, they could wear something ugly anyway they would make it awesome, and then I hang up and call him back.

"Jammy! How are you?"

"Hey, sunshine, better now that you call back." I bet he is smirking right now.

"You seem a little off, are you alright?"

"You know me right. Hum... it's about Mia." His voice sounds kinda nervous, I know it's not an easy subject for him and he doesn't like to open up, but I feel happy that he calls me to talk about it.

"Do you want me to come over?"

"I can come to pick you up, I'm at the store. I could come right after?"

"Yes, I'm basically ready and not doing anything anyway. Do you need something?"

"I'm all good, I'm coming in around twenty minutes."

"Perfect. Bye, buddy."

"See ya in twenty sunshine."

I hang up and go into my room putting on some clothes, I head back downstairs and tell Diego about my plans. James comes soon after and we go to his house, during the ride we sing and laugh like always but we don't mention Mia. When we arrive, I help him pack up his groceries, when I get my hands on something rather embarrassing.

"Huh, James?" I smirk and show him the box, when he sees it he turns red and starts to laugh nervously.

"Trust me, I didn't buy this. A guy gave it to me, telling me something like: 'you need to live while you are young but protect yourselves kiddos'. I was so embarrassed but I took it anyway, I was planning on using them as water balloons." I laugh at his childishness and go put the box on the table in the living room, thinking about really doing these water bomb balloons later.

Look who is the child now.

After I go sit on the couch and he goes to get some food, obviously he knows me well, then joins me with a bunch of sweets and settles down as well.

"So pretty boy, what's the problem?" I ask as he positions his head on my lap and eats his lollipop.

"It's complicated. I mean not really, but I'm lost." His green eyes always shining are like lost in the air, not as bright as usual, he's probably reminiscing something or trying to think about the situation. It's not often that I see him that concentrated or calm.

"I'm all yours, tell me everything." He smiles at that as a playful look crossed his gaze.

"You are not mine and you know it, plus I don't want to be in any competition with anyone if you know what I mean." I slap him and roll my eyes, while he chuckles and I continue to eat some chocolates.

"Shut up, I don't know what you are implying, but it's obviously not true." He shakes his head, laughs, and mutters 'sure', but doesn't push the subject any further.

"So about Mia... Well, we've been talking for a while now. Not just talking like before, but I feel like it's different since she's not with Mackenzie anymore. Except I still don't know if I'm giving myself false hopes or not." I know how important Mia is to him, he really likes her very much. I can understand how upset he can be since she shows everyone that she loves Eliot, but at the same time I saw a change in her behavior towards him recently.

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