Chapter 38

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What had just happened nearly 20 minutes ago he was worriedly pacing about his daughter, who was still a bit shaken up from what had happened, not even a few minutes ago they were all talking about how he had been pretending to be a hero to then r...

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What had just happened nearly 20 minutes ago he was worriedly pacing about his daughter, who was still a bit shaken up from what had happened, not even a few minutes ago they were all talking about how he had been pretending to be a hero to then rip their hope away from them.

Not even giving him every last bit of his speed was enough now he was completely powerless against Zoom with no way whatsoever to bring her back as he is now useless to fight Zoom, a guy with all his speed, speed he had worked so hard on getting faster.

To beat him with only to have it taken from him with one of his closest friends, the very one he kept him alive when he was struck by lightning and every time he came back from a fight bruised or battered. How had he let this even happen?

Joe couldn't believe what had just happened before his eyes. A few moments ago he had watched his adopted son, a man he raised as his own, give up his speed for the granddaughter, one that neither of them knew they had a few months ago.

Not only that but he had hoped that when all this would finally take a pause even for a few days he could mention to the others that he had met his son Wally West he had yet to tell everyone but he had a feeling Barry and Iris knew already.

But had yet to tell him, as they knew how guilty he was feeling for being the reason Marinette was taken by that awful man. Not only had their lives just taken a turn for the worse but it created an even bigger whole, Barry had just been choked, his speed gone, and Caitlyn kidnapped for who knows what reason.

~With Caitlyn~

With how fast she was taken she had no idea where she was now but all she knew was that it was not S.T.A.R labs amongst her friends that she called family. No, instead she was in some kind of makeshift lair, handcuffed to an old worn bed in a corner of the place.

In front of her was a metal tray with a burger and chips placed for her to eat but she didn't let alone want anything to do with the person who gave it to her for all she knew he could have poisoned it or something at this rate she wouldn't put it past him.

She stared down at her cuffed hands wondering what to or what she had done to end up here. All she had ever done was try to find him a cure and show him love but in the end all that got was being kidnapped and cuffed to a bed frame.

She sighed, within seconds she felt a gush of wind and there in front of her stood a man in what she would call a halloween costume just to spite him out of anger she

"You need to eat" was murmured though the creepy voice he would make when he would talked through the mask

"If you want to speak to me then take off that mask" she said not looking up at him with gust of wind he was gone and back in regular clothes standing across from her.

"Does this make you feel better?" he asked as gently as he could, "nothing you ever do would make me feel better" Caitlyn snapped

"You don't need to be afraid, I'm not going to hurt, I care to much about you to do that

"You only care about yourself..Hunter" she said finally looking up at him when she said his name. He jerked his head away to the side like he was in some kind of nightmare.

"You think that I'm a monster, I understand why" he sighed and she turned away from him as he continued "but that'll change please Cait-" "Do not call me that" she interrupted her anger bubbling at the nickname.

"Why are you keeping me here? Your cured you don't need me for anything"

"Your here because I love you" Hunter exclaimed taking a few steps toward her

"May take a while but someday you'll start feeling that way about me again too" he said putting a hand through her hair pulling it away he moved his hand down to her cuffs and fased through them.

"Make yourself at home, you'll be here a while ok" he spoke gently before running off, leaving a quickly disappearing streak of blue lightning and a gust of wind.

Caitlyn looked down at her hands and then took a deep breath in, before slowly getting up off the bed, the heels of her boots clicked ever so lightly as she walked around the large room.

After walking past a set of leavers she came across a person tapping away from what looked like the inside of a glass box, he was wearing a large metal mask over his face. Caitlyn walked closer, tilting her head slightly confused at what he was trying to do or say.

"I don't understand-" she spoke gently to be interrupted by a voice strongly similar to her own, just louder and more confident "well hello doppelgänger of mine" she turned to the voice.

And watched a blond woman whose hair looked as white as snow step from the side of her own box she was leaning back on and walk to the front of the glass box. She was dressed in a dark icy blue coloured outfit.

She had dark blue makeup around her eyes and pale skin nearly as light as her face and yet again the same dark blue colour for her lipstick.

"What do you know I can still pull off brunette" she spoke, Caitlyn stood there mouth open shocked, the boys had told her about their doppelgängers how Barry's was a nerdy CSI but not the flash.

Iris was a detective, Joe a singer and Cisco was a criminal they had told her they hadn't run into her double, either they were telling the truth and really hadn't or they lied and kept it a secret.

She was shocked to see a blonde copy of herself dressed in all blue standing across from her. 

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