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A few weeks had passed since the accident and during this time Barry had become more protective of his daughter though the others were starting to notice some changes.

When Iris had taken her to the playground last week animals had come towards her like in Snow White. Not only that she had fallen and scrapped her knee but by the time they had reached Barry's apartment the scratch was gone.

In all honesty Barry had thought his best friend was joking though the plants that lived in his apartment that had died from his lack of care and watering were suddenly alive once more.

Though he had only seen his daughter them once, but where had she even got the watering can from.

The changes were subtle yet wasn't sure if things had changed. Caitlyn was still running weekly tests per Barry's request for anything just in case.

Nothing has shown up in the tests, yet a week later they all knew something was different yet she looked and acted exactly the same.

Zoom was gone yet, things weren't the same though he didn't wish to go back to the time before Zoom, then he wouldn't know about Marinette his beloved daughter.

He watched as she sat quietly across from him drawing in her sketch book as he worked away on some case files he was definitely not supposed to bring home.

Since she found out he was the flash he had gotten many questions and one of the first one was "why hadn't the told her?" And the answer was it wasn't safe.

Yet what she said next was what surprised him "was that why mamma didn't let us meet?" The way she had phrased along with the sad look in her eyes speaking of her mom. He couldn't break her heart and tell he hadn't known she existed so he nodded a yes and hugged her.

That night they had a big serious talk about how she couldn't tell anyone not even her grandmother and this deal was kept on the promise of a pinky swear.

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