Chapter 41

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Zoom had challenged Barry to a race/battle on a machine and they both ran in opposite directions to counteract the machine though when Barry went to stop the machine he sacrificed himself in the process though this was part of his plan

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Zoom had challenged Barry to a race/battle on a machine and they both ran in opposite directions to counteract the machine though when Barry went to stop the machine he sacrificed himself in the process though this was part of his plan.

Which was unknown to Zoom till the Barry of the current time came out, he had used the same trick he had done before they knew who he really was or more so pretending to be,  to make it look like Zoom had killed Jay Garriack.

At the end of the race Barry had a chance to go for the kill though he waited for the time wraith which came and took Zoom as he had broken the speed force rules and now had to pay the price.

It had been a week since the race, it should have felt like a victory with the recent defeat of Zoom of more specifically Hunter Zolomon a man from earth 2 that pretended to be Jay Garrick and apparently once the Flash just like Barry before he lost his speed to Zoom.

Though that had all been nothing more than a bunch of lies, the saying the past will catch up with you was clearly accurate in this case, yet the stress from the speedster had reduced to only a minimum.

The night Barry had been struck with lightning for the second time had done something fatal it had not only put Barry into the speed force which he had been brought back from but the dark matter had hit a young child and two teenagers.

Jesse and Wally had been fine, though nothing more than unconscious but Marinette was a different case entirely and with the lack of the medical expertise not much was known about how she was doing though once Caitlyn had returned.

She  had run many tests and examinations to check the young girls health and she seemed to be okay everything had seemed to be normal all her cuts had healed by themself which was incredibly fast almost as fast as Barry, but what she had been struck with and the chemicals she had been hit were two very different things.

So the chances of getting his speed were highly unlikely, yet trying to locate exactly what she was affected by was quite hard as many chemicals were spilled around and to pinpoint what she had or had not been affected by was a challenge.

A week and still no sign of improvement it was like Barry all over again though younger, smaller and a cute mini version of Barry.

"Oh come on, Caitlyn it worked once what exactly will happen by trying our luck" said a male voice. A sigh was heard, "fine go right ahead, though the chances of it working are highly unlikely" a woman's this time.

Next thing she knew she heard Lady Gaga's 'Poker Face' begin playing loudly through the speakers.

Marinette slowly tried to open her tired eyes only to close them immediately from the bright lights. "See Cisco, it didn't work" the woman's voice became familiar. It was Caitilyn.

Marinette tried once more slowly as she was in the room she had been a little while ago, only it had changed. She was now lying in the middle of it, with some beeping machine next to her.

That was not the only thing she noticed but there were weird tubes around her face and one taped to her hand, "Caitlyn look" looking forward she saw the doctor turn to look at her and a shocked expression on her face.

"She's up" she said walking up to her "call Barry," she said to Cisco."On it, but I get to say no matter how much you don't want me to" Cisco paused for a moment before looking Caitlyn in the eyes with smuggest grin Marinette had even seen.

"I told you so"

Hello everyone,

I'm a little late but Merry Christmas and I just want to thank everyone for being patient with me especially with my lack of updates and terrible updating schedule.

In the coming year, I would hope to finish or come close to giving you all the ending you deserve to read for this book and possibly a sequel to this book, if you would like one.

I read your comments on the previous chapter and I agree with you all that there should still be some elements of the actual show, one being Marinette's powers, a spoiler of the coming chapter, call it my late Christmas gift to you all.

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