Thirty seven

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~ Annalise

"And he's so...ugh," Ro groans before shoving another grape in his mouth.

Blake rolls her eyes. "Just fuck the guy already."

His lift ticks up. "Soon. Soon."

My eyebrow lifts and I try not to smile while looking up from my book.

"Have you guys hung out yet?," I ask. Ro and I are best friends, but we don't go really talk about that kind of stuff much.

He looks to me and smirks but doesn't say anything. He's had flings in the past, but he tends to be a little more secretive with his love life.

Tell him Annalise.

I have a feeling he already kind of knows about Reed and I.

My eyes widen and I purse my lips and nod. Lifting my hand to give him a thumbs up.

Blake just stares at him, also with wide eyes. A plastered on smile. "Huh...okay then!" Sarcasm leaking through her words.

I snort.

"Okay well anyways, my family is dragging me with them to visit my aunt and uncle for the weekend, but they said I can bring my friends so..." Ro's sentence trails off.

"I'm in!" Blake raises her hand.

"Thank god. I can't go there alone with my family. I'll lose my mind," Ro places his hand over his heart and gratefully sighs.

"Are you going?" Blake looks to me.

I look between the two of them and shrug. "I mean...sure I'm down."

"Thank you Jesus," Ro clasps his hands together and kisses his hand before lifting it in the air.

I playfully roll my eyes at him and chuckle. He's so over dramatic.

"I thought you weren't religious." I look up to see Reed taking the seat next to me and looking over to Ro. My eyes linger over his tall lean frame. And the way his shirt hugs his body. His eyes glance down to me and his smile-


"In times of desperation, you bet your ass God is my lord and savior," Ro purses his lips and eats another grape.

Reed looks to me and chuckles from his cousin's words. My mouth runs dry and I can feel my breathing quicken. He looks so-

We haven't fooled around since that time at my house.

I want more.

"Wait Reed are you coming to visit aunt Marcie and uncle James?," Ro asks Reed.

Reed visibly cringes and uncomfortably scratches the back of my his neck. "They're so annoying," he groans.

I chuckle and lift my hand to rub his shoulder. His eyes dart to me and narrow with a sly smile.

"Well Blake and Annalise are coming. So if you wanna come too and invite Jesse you can. Jordon is already coming because Landon invited him." Ro rolls his eyes at the thought of his little brother and his best friend. The two are a handful when together.

Reed glances to me and his tongue darts out to wet his lips. I quickly look back down to my book and clench my thighs. Can he tell I'm extremely horny right now?

"Can I bring Gracie?," he asks.

"Well yeah we're all supposed to be going," Ro says.

When I look back up to him he's staring at me. "Yeah. I'll be there."

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