Chapter 8: Sakura Airi

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Damn my computer keyboard that stopped working from one day to the next! I was about five days without my computer keyboard and therefore without having material to be able to write anything and without having the ability to enter my computer, as it has a password.

My complaint aside, I leave you with today's chapter.



After Chabashira made Sudou's problem known, and said that all the classes were aware of the matter, Kushida, that girl of supposed goodwill, seeing Chabashira and Sudou leaving the classroom, called her classmates to talk about the matter involving her red-haired classmate.

"Guys, can you listen to what I have to say?" - Kushida stood up and tried to muffle the commotion. - "What our teacher said seems to be true. Sudou-kun might have been in a fight. However, he was dragged into it."

"Kushida-chan, what do you mean, do you believe Sudou?"

After the question, Kushida recounted the story Sudou told the previous night to the whole class. He told them how Sudou was chosen as a candidate to play as a starter on the basketball team. He also described how some students in the club envied Sudou, and how they called him and threatened him to force him to quit the team. He also explained that Sudou, acting in self-defense, had beaten them up.

Most of the class listened to Kushida's heartfelt words in silence. If anyone who knew about the matter beforehand tried to explain the situation in the same way Kushida did, it would not have been as effective. Possibly Kaede could match that, but she doubted it. She believed that her participation would not cause the same effect.

Despite Kushida's words, not everyone in the class readily believed the story. Sudou's typical bad behavior made it difficult to assimilate, no matter how reasonable it sounded.

"I'd like to ask them again. If anyone knows anyone who saw what happened, whether it was someone in the class, a friend, or an upperclassman, please let me know. You can contact me at any time. I would sincerely appreciate it."

Basically, Kushida had said the same thing as Chabashira. However, the class had a very different response. Kushida had an innate ability to connect with people. His presence shone so brightly that I could almost feel it.

Instantly, silence enveloped the classroom. The first to speak was not the witness, but Yamauchi.

"Hey, Kushida-chan. I can't believe what Sudou said. I think he lied so he could justify what he did. He talked about hitting kids all the time in high school. He even told us how much fun it was to hit people."

After Yamauchi voiced his concerns, the rest of the class murmured their dissatisfaction with Sudou.

"I saw him grab a boy by the neck just because they bumped into each other in the hallway."

"I saw him get in line at the cafeteria and yell when someone tried to tell him it wasn't right."

Kushida's plea for Sudou's innocence didn't seem to reach anyone. They had already given up on Sudou, because he was surely going to make them lose their hard-earned points.

"I want to believe him."

Hirata, the class hero, uttered those words in support of Kushida. He was clearly not intoxicated with the same anti-Sudou aura as everyone else.

"If a student from another class doubted him, I could understand, " Hirata said. - "But I think it's wrong to doubt a classmate right away. Shouldn't friends do everything in their power to help someone in need?"

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