#04. group II

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #04 ░░░░ VOL

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #04 ░░░░ VOL. 1
❛ GROUP II ❜ ┆🌹

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                    "And? What are the advances?" Dr. Stein entered the room they designated for group II in charge of studying her main skill and went to the center making her way between the important doctors, the interns and the two soldiers who landed on each side of the door holding a gun firmly. "Doctor Turner?"

The doctor called was in charge of leading group II since they started it a year ago. The girl had grown a lot since then, her legs became longer and skinnier and her hair grew a couple of centimeters that already grazed her waist; but she was still a petite girl with weak fingers who played chess with her only partner and read fairy tales over and over again hopping her wishes would come true.

"The girl shown absolute control over the creation of anything that involves the kingdom plant: be it herbs, flowers, fruits and vegetables, and even logs and mushrooms. We have put it to the test with hundreds of exams and it has passed them all impeccably. She has been able to create new plants by manipulating the characteristics of an existing one, the interns have made an exhaustive report in collaboration with botanists who showed the ability to change the cells of plants and the toxins they produce, as well as the poison of them" the doctor went to the next sheet of his folder, he cleared his throat and continued. "We have noticed as she knew how to control her ability, she has changed not only the speed with which she creates, but also the physical build, making her plants stronger, here is an example of what I am talking about. These three pots have some Monsteras, one naturally grown, this is made by the girl a year ago and this one she made it yesterday. As you can see, the flood naturally splits easily, just like the one made a year ago, but the one she did yesterday is harder to break. I'm applying twice as much force and it's still hard to break it. This manipulation of the texture of plants is our priority today because of the seriousness of the matter."

"Yes, how do you plan to feed the soldiers if they can't bite a damn apple. I want you to focus on that, especially being able to control how strong a plant is. I see it convenient to also create strong plants, they can serve as natural refuges in combat ... Any advance in toxins? Can she already work with, the chemists?"

Dr. Turner's neck turned as red as a tomato, as if a horrible rash came out, and next to him, several of the interns were nervous. The girl though she would be scolded.

"We have carried out several studies where we infect the girl with natural toxins such as oxalates, mycotoxins, pyrrolizidine alkaloids and we have tried to poison her with black Acacia, Belladonna, death manzanillo, American licorice and with any poison produced by plants, she has not showed any symptoms and in the most lethal she has hardly suffered from burning and vomiting. We know she is immune to natural toxins derived from plants. I am afraid the girl is not able to control these toxins apart from producing them in a plant, she is not able to produce them in unity and we have no indication that she will do it in the future".

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