#11. fourth of july

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #11 ░░░░ VOL

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #11 ░░░░ VOL. 2

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                  Rosie understood from the novels she had read those public displays of affection drew negative attention, especially to women. Kisses, like the ones Ben gave her sitting on a bench in the square, should be kept private. In the living room or in her bedroom it was just the two of them, no one watched them and no one judged them, but in that town, people noticed the young kids more than once.

"And this is the generation of the future! "Murmured an old man on a walking stick as he passed by. "Fuck you!"

" He must not have a nice girl to kiss back home "said Ben mockingly, enjoying every person who had second glanced at them.

"Aren't we drawing attention to ourselves? " She was beginning to feel paranoid, expecting a military tank to burst into the middle of town.

Ben's hand secured the grip on her waist shuddering the young woman's heart like a fluffy toy. He came close enough to breathe in the floral perfume emanating from her hair and the vanilla drops Mrs. Galler placed behind her ears.

"If anyone ruins my day, there will be blood."

The hot summer flurry kicked off the joining of their lips. They had made progress since the first time. They learned to coordinate and encourage each other to dive into physical contact, something that would eventually happen. Every time Ben kissed her, she felt her heart skip a beat. Those butterflies in her stomach would appear rampaging throughout her body. She no longer knew if it was an innate reaction or produced by her mind. Rosie liked to feel the parsimonious approach and place her hands on Ben's neck, burying her fingertips in his hair. That way she forgot the dark parts that assaulted Ben, concentrated on the pretty ones, the ones that made him look like a fairy tale king. There were no long breaths between kisses, just a short pause to look into each other's eyes and go back to the beginning of the story. The taste of orange juice reminded her of the boy she once was.

"Ben "she mumbled against her lip, an urgent plea.

"What? "He didn't stop, he never wanted to. If it were up to him, they'd spend an entire afternoon making out. He bit her lower lip, then focused on caressing the one above.

"We are going to miss the daylight, I want to see the rest of the town."

She finally broke away, but not before leaving him a gentle kiss.

TOXIN    ▌    THE BOYS / SOLDIER BOYWhere stories live. Discover now