#08. our first kiss

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #08 ░░░░ VOL

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #08 ░░░░ VOL. 2

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                   The next few days had been a torment for the young girl. The conclusion of reading Robin's essay did not mean leaving behind what she had learned, it dragged her into a loop from which she could not detach herself from her words, discovering in each rereading an interpretation she had not thought of before, as if someone came at night and changed everything with a snap. Rosie did a deepening of the topics she had read somewhere would be considered philosophy. What really caught Rosie's attention and stuck to her mind, were the lowest strata of human sense. She was entering the age of questioning and the search for meaning. She struggled to identify what made her really happy and how she would know.

Since Ben revealed the danger, they were running with compound N taking advantage of the neurons in charge of the mutant gene, she has not stopped feeling different and lonely. Over the years, both had been able to spy conversations of the doctors and find out more about the operation of the compounds and the problems they caused, even, Ben stole some notes that they spent days trying to decipher them, until they did it and could understand something.

"I can't understand all these letters and numbers, I was discreetly asking how they should be read and they told me it's medical terminology, some genetics and biology. Aren't you supposed to know biology?"

Both teenagers were glued side by side, with a couple of sheets on the tables and dictionaries to try to decipher the doctors' notes, and now they learned that scientists had also been involved. The cohabitation room had ceased to be guarded by psychiatrists for some reason they did not know, but both were grateful for the privacy that allowed them to do something like this.

"It's the structure of a DNA, I told you Ben, and this otheris physics and this another is something about the chemicals of the body. I also don't understand what it means, we don't have a PhD in any of these. You don't even know what a two-variable function is."

"What the hell is that?" Ben snapped still clinging to the behaviors of when he was twelve, but to be honest, it had been a year since the compound N. "Action potential Na? amino acid? Is that in the dictionary?"

"I know what it is, plants have them, they serve for their development and the regulation of growth. It's the basic component of proteins and, here are structures, with bonds, this O is oxygen" Rosie had been enraged by chemical structures and bonds, and components such as amino acids, glycerin, phosphorus, potassium. The periodic table of the elements was known. "I do not think that in those pages we find something important, this is the one we must understand."

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