#17. poison rose

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #17 ░░░░ VOL

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #17 ░░░░ VOL. 4

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When the snow stopped falling in the summer of 1939, world tension was palpable in the air and people were on the lookout for the outbreak of a second war. Rosie had turned nineteen and felt all grown up, an independent and well-educated woman, Robin and Nancy were very pleased with her evolution and, Rosie herself, had left the regret of her childhood behind, burying the pain of absent parents and the torture of growing up on a military base as a child. She had matured fast since she was sixteen, learning what she needed to do to get the happy ending to her fairy tale, she no longer expected a king or merciful parents, she herself became her savior or so Rose Harrington believed and thought that reclaiming the happiness the base stole from her had been a big step in her life. Since that day when she destroyed a mountain, things had changed significantly, that day, she understood her strength, she accepted it in the same way that nature welcomed her.

Vought's CEO got new investors and sponsors by selling her image as a powerful weapon, people around her couldn't bring themselves to use the word "supersoldier" on her, but they did like to define her as a "beautiful weapon". Ben gave her the advice to shut her mouth and nod with a smile or she would be taken far away and they would never be together again; his advice served her well. She didn't argue with that part of her employment contract, with the money they put up a chemical center attached to the military base and an office to service the botanists, farmers and toxicologists. The contract included the working conditions she demanded and in the four years she had been working, she had saved enough money to become independent and had bought a lot of dresses! She had paid for a romantic winter vacation in New York to celebrate Christmas and New Year's with Ben; and in the summer, they were visiting the beaches of California and learning to surf.

They built her a small house in the woods near the military base where she had been living with Ben for four years. She decorated it herself, choosing the colors and placement of the furniture, she had the food she wanted and in the back she created a fairy tale garden, the kind you could find in a magical place, with a tea table and logs to sit on, vines falling like rain and in the morning she was visited every day by hummingbirds and at night by fireflies. Her home was perfect, everything she had dreamed of. Rosie's life took the path of a clean, young soul, growing up amidst Mary's words and the voice of her conscience blessed by the greatest divinity. Growing up made her more holy and pious, adopting in the same terms she thought of as a child reinventing them in adulthood. Rosie remained good, pious and helpful.

Rosie felt wet kisses spread from her shoulder to her neck, arousing her with a shiver full of pheromones that excited the bedroom, and then, Ben's hands caught her waist under the sheets, embracing her with the first rays of sunlight streaming in through the large window. Rosie let out a guttural murmur and turned around to face her boyfriend. Ben began to kiss her. Her heart still squeezed every time he did it and —despite the intensity normalizing over the years— love erupted between them with powerful hormones.

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