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❘❙❚ ISSUE #12 ░░░░ VOL

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #12 ░░░░ VOL. 2


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"Are you awake?"

The young woman rolled over in bed so that she could observe Ben's silhouette at the other end of the room in the early morning gloom.

"I wasn't "she replied letting a few yawns escape her lips. After the exhausting day they'd had, she'd fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

"Do you hear that? "Ben whispered raising his seriousness. "Can you feel it?"

"No, what are you talking about?"

"Just listen..."

Rosie copied him and got out of bed, running her hands over her face to wake up. Senses had not yet awakened to identify that sound that alerted Ben, it wasn't until a few minutes of silence that he understood the seriousness of the matter. Now she could hear it. A distant sound sinking deep into the bowels of the forest, and, little by little, coming to life. The unfurling of the wheels of military tanks scraping the road to the village. It was the alarm that had her sleeping with one eye open.

"Are they coming? " a second voice in her head was praying to be a mistake

"Yes "Ben affirmed without hesitation. "Get dressed."

For a moment her body froze waiting for different orders. Ben's pajamas were changed into military uniform in the blink of an eye, while the girl refused to put on her dress. She refused to accept that they should run. She had loved the town, the people and the stores, the sun warming her head and the music. She was never going back to the military base!

"What are you waiting for? Get dressed and get out of bed."

Ben's insistence startled her, being the shock she needed to wake up completely. She juggled to change as inconspicuously as possible, escaping the gaze of Ben who, luckily, was busy spying out the window, attentive to the coming sound of the military. The green dress she had bought Susan was as cute as it was useful, it could be camouflaged in the woods.

"Are we going to escape through the woods? "Rosie interlaced her fingers nervously and squeezed the center of her palm with the thumb of her other hand, pressing until she caused herself pain that she interpreted as reality. "Ben?"

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