#21. battlefield

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❘❙❚ CHAPTER 22 ░░░░ VOLUME 4


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The smoke and gunpowder filled the air in the trenches, choking the lungs of the new soldiers like James Barnes and some of his comrades, because others had already become addicted to the taste of gunpowder and blood. Soldier Barnes adjusted his helmet that had been knocked askew by a bullet that passed right in front of his eyes. His hands trembled from the shock, and even moving them gave him more fear; his own body forced him to feel comfortable in a mummy-like position, that's what happened when your name was already written on the tombstone. The enemy had advanced overnight, while the superheroes boarded a plane and left them behind. That moment came back to his mind, when he and Reiben waved goodbye to the Vought plane with the strongest man in the world and a woman who could manipulate the earth at will. The silence had been intense, no one knew what to say. Deep down, he hoped that the rumors were false and that the superheroes were what they claimed to be. James had never felt such a great disappointment in his life, he had never felt so betrayed and abandoned like an animal that was worth nothing, as if he had no life waiting for him back home.

He heard the rumble of enemy tanks in the distance. The soldiers exchanged worried glances, knowing that they would soon have to leave the trenches and fight for their country. James looked at the grey sky one last time.

"Those fucking sons of bitches really left, didn't they?" Reiben asked, watching the battlefield. He knew the answer, he saw it with his own eyes. Reiben had spent the whole night talking about how superheroes were the scum of humanity, the worst invention. It seemed like talking about them infuriated him, he took their abandonment personally.

"They treat us like pigs, you know Barnes? Have you ever been to a slaughterhouse?"

"Yes, do you think they'll see us like this? Hanging from our legs? Do you think they'll say, 'another pair of dead pigs'?" Reiben's eyes reflected a mix of disappointment and anger. "What do they live for? They're phonies, charlatans who only care about their own image and people praising them."

Barnes, on the other hand, had his mind occupied with the fear of getting his head blown off; at any moment they could receive the order to come out of their hiding spots and advance towards the enemy lines.

"I don't know, Reiben," Barnes said calmly. "That's just how they are. It's disappointing, really it is, but let it go. We're here, fighting and surviving. We don't need them, wars have been fought and won without superheroes."

Reiben grunted, clearly frustrated, unable to let the topic go.

"They're not reliable, not loyal, they're worthless, a piece of shit."

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