#13. benjamin

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #13 ░░░░ VOL. 3


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                    Benjamin hated mornings, he couldn't stand them, he waited patiently for the arrival of midday, when it was the start of his training routine in the soldiers' camp. For most of his life he had been hurrying the breakfast that a girl brought him to the room almost at the same time as the first ray of light, kept a routine that started with a cold shower to wake him up faster and a long piss, drank too much water, and then, threw a ball to the wall waiting to be taken out of the room. He was a simple, bored, confined boy, nowadays, after a month of the escape with Rosie, things had changed and the mornings were less of a pain because he could go to his girlfriend's room and have breakfast with her.

He was drying his hair with a small towel when a lady left him a metal tray with the respective black coffee to his liking, no sugar and cold water, hot drinks made him gag for some reason, and some toast with butter and jam. He put on his military boots and grabbed the tray leaving the room. He had tried to convince his superiors to enclose his breakfast with the one headed to Rosie's room, but they had forbidden him to continue his morning walk. He didn't give a fuck. Ben no longer considered himself an obedient child, he would obey orders that seemed fair within his personal scheme of things and forbidding him to have breakfast with his damned girlfriend left nothing fair. No guarding soldier dared to send him back to the bedroom or alert the superiors when they saw him wandering the halls, he made sure to make it clear to them that his revenge would be worse than what anyone could do. Ben was just scaring them, he didn't plan on taking it that far, just found out he was very good at making people believe his stories.

Rosie tried to keep the intimate relationship they had in discretion, she said it was better that way and had asked him to keep up the respectable appearances expected of her, the truth: he didn't understand, everyone knew they were kissing on corners and more than once he left her room late at night, but he didn't comment to the other soldiers about how she kissed or how big her boobs were, he had hit more than one who dared to name her. He kept up appearances, didn't he? He wouldn't let anyone insult her. When he got to the room, she would leave the door slightly open for him —discretion— so he could push it open with the foot as he entered.

He had seen her brushing her long, shiny, freshly washed red hair sitting on the edge of the bed as if she were lost in an alternate world. God, she was so beautiful when she woke up, he didn't know how she made herself look good all times, he looked like shit in the mornings and she was there quiet and passive waiting for him to start the day. That's how he liked his mornings. Rosie jumped as soon as she saw him and came closer stretching her lips for him to kiss her, making the cutest face he'd ever seen, but the damn tray in his hands wouldn't let him kiss her properly. He hurried to put it down on the table she had in the middle of the room.

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