#14. fuck them

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #14 ░░░░ VOL. 3

❛ FUCK THEM ❜ ┆🌹

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tw: moderate sexual content.

                   Rosie wandered around her room as if she had been possessed. Ben had gone to get his dinner which was left in his bedroom, she was brought a piece of tender meat with potato salad and tomatoes, a sauce on top and a glass of water. She was very nervous about what would happen after dinner.

She had read the women's magazines a thousand times explaining how to prepare for the special evening. She pressed a thumb against her opposite hand leveling nervousness and calming herself by manipulating the hormones. Didn't want to tell Ben, but the doctors saw in one of her tests the hormonal irregularity in her body, and all of a sudden she was going from fear to a state of calm. This was how she had been controlling emotions since Compound N. They asked her if she knew of a new power and she said no. She would no longer let them use it. Wouldn't let them use it anymore, it was enough that they figured out the power of the toxins. They got what they wanted: the ability to produce toxins with the palm of her hand, being able to alter toxins. The doctors didn't get too close to her anymore, not after she escaped. They had made the occasional comment, but when Rosie suggested that she could flood the military base with methane gas, they never spoke to her again. Even Dr. Stein changed his dismissive manner to one more formal and without so many offensive jokes, the circus of soldiers no longer cornered outside exams —courtesy of Ben and his love for her— and speaking of Ben, what was taking him so long?

Rosie looked at herself in the bathroom mirror for the thirteenth time. The hair was perfectly styled, she had made a low crown by braiding a few strands and added a strip of plant growing tiny little white flowers. She thought she looked prettier with the makeup Mrs. Susan had done for her, she was sorry she didn't have any makeup. Although... she knew how to make fruit. It occurred to her to use some strawberries to give her lips a brighter color. She thought she looked prettier that way. She had sanitized as the magazine said, perfumed her body, and went further by looking for the best method of birth control.

Robin's essay had a section that talked about the history of birth control and linked it to the lack of sexual freedom. Women for years before Christ found ways to avoid unwanted pregnancies, they recommended placing a lemon inside the vagina to kill sperm, they smeared oils, vinegars, lard, there were things called condoms made from animal liver, skin and plants. Rosie opted for lemon juice and coitus interruptus, she would tell Ben not to cum in her.

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