#21. she is coming

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #21 ░░░░ VOL. 4


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The taste of blood left a metallic flavor in her mouth, a small juice she hadn't tasted since she was a child. She forgot about the old flavors, she had thought that she had closed the door on them and no one would hurt her anymore, not if she allowed it. The initial burning, the immediate shock, began to subside as the men stopped arguing. Rosie was able to heal herself thanks to her powers. She opened both eyes and removed a long piece of skin that hung from her forehead. At least it wasn't her eye that had popped out as she had imagined. She tried to sit up on the makeshift bed, Steve's hand was resting on hers and he helped her sit.

"Rosie?" Steve said, using the name he hadn't called her in a long time, Ben didn't allow it. "Are you okay?"

The superheroine covered her chest with her hands. Ben had taken off her uniform and only a bra specially made for her military uniform covered her chest; her shoulders were exposed and showed a formed cleavage. Rosie started to tremble with embarrassment. Only Ben had seen her so naked. What would Steve think of her now? How could she face him again? She was dying of embarrassment!

"Here," Ben threw her uniform at her so she could dress. "Leave, Steve, let us be alone." Steve didn't want to leave or let go of her hand, his blue eyes were fixed on hers and that gave her some relief. He didn't look down at her breasts like many men did. Well, Steve was a good man and she knew it, surely he wouldn't think badly of her because of this accident. "Why are you staring at her so much, brother? Go away." Ben grabbed him by the collar and threw him out of the tent.

"Surely she came to tell us something important, that she wants us to come back, please."

"Yes, she came to tell us to get on the plane. Vought wants us out of this area. They know we're here and they're going to come with bombs. For everyone's safety, it's better if we leave. We're putting ourselves and the soldiers in danger. If they see that there are no supes in the middle of the battle, maybe they'll show some consideration for the soldiers. Let's go."

A classic move by Vought.

"Fine," she murmured. She finished buttoning up her uniform and wiped the blood off her face with a piece of cloth. She grabbed her backpack with all her belongings and quickly put away the letters she had received. Once she was ready, she decided to leave.

"Honey," as she expected, Ben wouldn't let her go so easily, he held her arm, leaving the imprint of his fingers. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to hit you."

TOXIN    ▌    THE BOYS / SOLDIER BOYOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora