#16. army women

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #16  ░░░░ VOL

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #16  ░░░░ VOL. 3

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The walls of the militar base murmured behind her back, every time she left a hallway leaving a person behind, it didn't matter if they were militar or doctors, cleaning or service staff, each one looked at her taking a step back and waited for her to get far enough away to whisper. The soldiers would laugh among themselves and, when they thought their were alone, they would talk about her pussy and breasts. They had called her a whore, she knew very well what it meant.

"You don't have to make a big deal out of it," Nancy would tell her, comforting her. Rosie hadn't resisted the tears after walking through a hallway full of men who were encouraged to tell her straight out. "Men will always try to put down women who are above them. You are more powerful than everyone, they are the ones who should be crying for you. Rosie, you are more powerful than Ben, don't let his strength intimidate you. They will insult you today, they will see you in a derogatory, disgusting way, but tomorrow, they will kneel before you. Believe what I say. Don't shed a single tear for them."

She felt better after talking to Nancy, she thought her day would go on better. She was wrong, she was taken to one of Professor Downey's classes. They had been good so far, she learned about the countries and their history of independence, they explained the wars and society, even though she had only known the town. She liked his classes, but that one was awful. He gave her a speech about what he had done with Ben. He said that God was merciful, but did not tolerate extramarital affairs. Rosie didn't understand why it was wrong. She liked what she did with Ben and whatever, everyone was calling her names and she was the one who had to change? Fuck them all! She was sick of that militar base that kept secrets from her, they used her for experiments because her parents allowed it. Rosie realized that no one would help her change her life, no one there was interested in her happiness —only Ben, her boyfriend—, however, Rosie did agree to a talk with the V.A.C. CEO.

"How are you sweetie? " said the man. The briefcase he carried cited the name Joel Burton, a guy who was perfectly groomed, hair long enough to camouflage the loss in some areas and she couldn't help but notice how neat his nails were.

"Good" she muttered sitting across from him, looking at her shoelaces. She wasn't fine, the whole militar base was calling her a whore and whispering about her body. She couldn't deal with something like that, she wanted to go back to her room and not come out for days.

"I'm notified about you escaping to a town, it's exhausting living on a militar base being the only girl, isn't it, how about changing that?"

"It would be nice for a change " she said encouraging herself to speak up.

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