#24. rose Harrington

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❙❚ ISSUE #24 ░░░░ VOL

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❙❚ ISSUE #24 ░░░░ VOL. 5

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The war had ended, and the first thing Rosie did was board a plane that would land in Washington, D.C., on her way to a ceremony held at the White House. She landed wearing a uniform adorned with medals, and the United States flag crowned in a rose garden fluttered in her auburn hair. Tired but happy to be honored, to speak with her words and experience, after being adored and respected, she said:

"Friends and fellow countrymen! Today is a day of celebration, a day when we can leave behind the horrors of war and look towards a future filled with hope and joy. We have overcome the common enemy and demonstrated that when we work together and fight for a just cause, we can achieve great things. But this victory is not ours alone; it belongs to all who have fought and sacrificed to reach this moment. It belongs to our brave soldiers, our allies around the world, our loved ones who have suffered and waited at home. It belongs to all those who have dreamed of a more peaceful and just world.

Now, we must look to the future and work together to build that world. We must commit ourselves to respecting and protecting the rights of all human beings, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. We must strive to promote equality and justice worldwide and ensure that the forces of evil never again threaten the peace and security of our world. But above all, we must celebrate this moment and enjoy the life and freedom we have earned. Let us celebrate together, with joy and gratitude in our hearts. And let us always remember that when we fight for what is right and work together, we can achieve anything. Long live the United States of America, and long live peace and freedom throughout the world!"

And that was Poison Rose's final public appearance, and she swore it by all the soldiers who had died by her side. In the hotel room where she was staying to reclaim her freedom, Rosie admired her reflection in the mirror with a nervous air and a queasy stomach. She needed to calm down or she would ruin all the work and time her friends, Nancy and Robin, had put into her. One week after setting foot in her homeland and answering the call of hundreds of women who awaited her with flower arrangements and gratitude banners, she decided to find solace in her two great friends who were waiting to embrace her.

Nancy had prepared an outfit for her big day. It was custom-made, in a dull green color. She had made her a long jacket with beige buttons and pants of the same tone—quite daring, Rosie thought. Women didn't go around wearing pants and suits, but Robin had insisted that she present herself that way, and they had convinced her. Rosie turned around to check for any loose threads. She had a light tie with dots that blended into the fabric of her shirt, and on her feet were polished black loafers. She tied her hair up in a high ponytail and applied heat to straighten out the small natural waves. Nancy had bought her makeup and taught her how to highlight her features. Red lips and a sharp eyeliner to kill a man. She applied colored powder to hide her reddened nose and the traces of nightly tears. The girls said she should show the new CEO of Vought the woman she had become. She was supposed to look intimidating, as if she were the strongest man in the world and didn't care about other people's feelings, not even those of the person who loved her most in the world.

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