#15. father and son

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❘❙❚ ISSUE #15 ░░░░ VOL. 3


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                    That night had been the best night of his entire life. Not only had he been given a name to the son of a bitch who had left him on a military base as a snotty brat, but also given a face he would beat up very deservedly, and, the best of all that night: he'd had sex for the first time with Rosie and let him sleep in her bed. They were going to be together till sunrise. Ben couldn't imagine a better ending.

The sex was better than expected and was excited to do it again. Rosie was beautiful, she was as sweet in words as she was in body, she seemed the most delicate thing, like one of her flowers. Dear God, he was afraid to break her even knowing she had almost the same features as his, it would take more than a squeeze of the hips to break her, but he would never do it. He liked the idea that Captain Wilson professed with his own wife. Ben heard her name so often because, according to Wilson, once you found your best friend, you would find the love of your life. Rosie was his only friend, really, the only one, so he had already found the love of his life. He loved absolutely everything about her, everything about her was the focus of his obsession: he loved kissing her and her beauty, he loved that the soldiers looked at her sideways and more than one confessed they had masturbated thinking about her, ha! He was the only one who knew how she felt and no one else would do it. First, he would kill them and second, they should try it, he would die laughing to see how Rosie's venom killed them.

He had Rosie sleeping in front of him, so peaceful, her hair disheveled and her nose slightly puckered. The clock read six o'clock, time to get up. He kissed her, first her lips and then the forehead, kissed her lips again and woke her up. She made a little moan and when she opened her eyes she was startled.

"I forgot you slept here," she said softly, sleepily. "Good morning," she stretched out on the bed and closed her eyes again.

Ben smiled, he thought it was the cutest thing, shit, he hated that it made him feel stupid, like a rookie just learning what it meant to belong to the army. He took advantage of her neck coming into view to kiss her there, she flinched and her cheeks immediately took on the color red. Yes, she loved him, loved him too much.

"Ben, how are you today?"

At first he felt uncomfortable with the question, especially since her tone sounded like one of concern and he didn't like it at all that she thought he was affected because his father was Colonel Fort and his mother was dead, and not only that, there was a whole other family. He didn't mind in the least, but he wanted an explanation.

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