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|272 𝐀𝐂,
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩

When his father died and he became king, the Seven Kingdoms thought not of war or rebellions or uprisings. In Aerys they found only dreams of Spring and a peaceful and prolific era for the Realm. They praised his name, called him Aerys the Great, Aerys the Wise and he savoured it. He savoured it the same way he did Dornish spiced wine and so drunk was he with the newly-given power atop his head that he became blind. Blind to his decisions when he made Tywin, his longest friend, Hand of the King; blind to the plotting taking place right under his nose with his kingdom, his friend. Even his son seemed to be a co-conspirator. Even his wife's unfaithfulness which he believed to be the cause of all his children's deaths. He'd deigned to confine her to her chambers and make sure she slept between two Septas every night. Rhaegar, after returning from wherever he'd gone, raised the issue with him but he was quick to dismiss his young son's complaints.

The silver prince was his heir, to be sure, but as long as he sat the Iron Throne no one would be making the decisions but him.

This year was the tenth anniversary of his reign and Tywin had been trying to restore what little shards of their friendship remained. In honour of his tenth year as King, he decided to hold an Anniversary Tourney in the capital. It was the perfect time, too, for the princess was set to arrive from Highgarden two days before the event was to take place. By now he'd heard the miraculous news of her dragons and the King was more than eager to feast his eyes on them.

In fact, all of the city was.

The three-headed dragon flew proud and high from every high place, including the battlements of the Red Keep, and merchants coming in from Lannisport and Braavos were trading faux dragon eggs and gilded merchandise designed after the fashion of the great winged creatures.

The Queen was elated to see her daughter again and she hoped her brother-husband would not confine her to her rooms when she arrived. The chance of that seemed more likely given the fact that she had given birth two months prematurely to another son, Aegon. Unfortunately he was drastically pale and breathed shallow breaths so quiet one wondered if he would live. Yet Pycelle reassured the royal family that given the proper care, the boy could very well survive. Rhaegar was glad for the news especially because he wished for there to be more light in his mother and father's sombre marriage, as naive as that sounded, and he wanted Naerys to meet her new sibling.

In the nine moons after their day together at Summerhall, Rhaegar found himself thinking of his sister in ways that would've made a sellsword blush. They often came at night and, while he was relieved to not see her dying anymore, it left a burning shame on him that he felt covered his entire skin and was on display for everyone to see. They came during the day, too, and left him unable to focus for minutes at a time and when he used his final resort, prayer, they only kept getting worse. So he resorted to the next best thing and wrote to his great-uncle Aemon for guidance. The old Maester replied much later than he would've liked but he was thankful to have heard anything back at all.

FIRE & BLOOD | 𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now