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279 𝐀𝐂, 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐰

He was always uncomfortable around women. Since he was a boy, he always preferred the comforting scent of the wizened old Maester Cressen and the musty, aged books of Storm's End. The only woman he could truly say he was secure around was his mother.

Stannis rose and took a proper look at the young lady before him.

She was beautiful, to be sure, with the classic summer beauty of gold spun hair, rosy cheeks and sharp bones that reminded him of the carved features of a statue. Other than that, she was unimpressive to him; merely another pretty face to avoid.

His sole reason for being here was his father. When Robert failed to woo Myra--a feat he did not think possible or likely to happen in his lifetime--Steffon immediately sent for his second son to be brought to the Crownlands from Storm's End.

While the new Hand of the King could not secure a betrothal with the princess, he could at least secure a betrothal with one of her closest confidants. An alliance that close to the crown was essential.

Where Robert failed, Stannis could not.

"Welcome, my lord." Myra smiled amicably. It was a radiant smile as splendid as the sun after a storm.

"I thank you, lady Myra." He was never good at small talk nor pleasantries. "You are as beautiful as many have claimed."

She'd heard that said at least a thousand times now.

Steepling her fingers, she said, "My lord, while I appreciate your... flattering remarks, I'd much rather we get down to business. Yes?"

Stannis was taken aback, but he did not show it.

"Of course." He nodded curtly and then, in a stony voice: "I am sure you know well from my brother what the Baratheons can do for you. So, I come not as a man of my house but a man of my own name and in my own right, to offer you my sword and shield as your lord husband to defend your people and your name, in duty and devotion, for as long as we shall live."

Myra lay her hands flat on the table. A long and heavy silence ensued as she scrutinized him.

Of course she knew why many men from the great houses came for her hand. They could not have Naerys's and she was as close as they would get. That did not bother her in the least. If anything, it made things more exciting for her.

It is, in fact, part of her reasons for rejecting them, if her Maester's accounts are to be believed.

From her brief inspection, she could tell Stannis would by no means be a romantic husband. His stoic appearance was actually quite off-putting, and when she turned to Maester Harman to discuss his prospects, she was met with a deep and determined frown.

FIRE & BLOOD | 𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now