Chapter 24

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Jareth's POV:

We all sat around the small fire that Higmish had been able to make. Sarah slept with her knees to her chest and Sir Didymus eyed her with concern, "Has been two days m' lord. She hath but one morning left."

I rubbed my eyes, what could I say to that? That we were pretty much screwed? That this whole mess sucked? That I didn't even know where my next clue was? I knew it was somewhere near the peach. But where was the peach?

I felt a smack on the back of my head and I spun to face Hogwood, "What was that for?"

The wrinkled goblin hobbled over to a log, "This is all your fault. If you weren't such a jerk this wouldn't have happened."

I stared incredulously, "How is this my fault? She asked that the child be taken, and I-"

"Yeah yeah. We get it. You're full of generosity. I'm just sayin' that all this would be a much easier trip if you'd just be a man and apologize for making her fight for everythin' she wants. Cut her some slack."

I brushed a bug off my sleeve and shuddered when it stuck to my finger, "Well it's not like I can go back and make it easy for her. She got the baby. Water under the bridge. I don't understand why she's still upset. She got what she w-"

Hogposh, threw a stick into the fire, "I ain't talkin' about then. I'm talkin' about now. You make what she loves so hard to get. Because really, you're not an easy person to love."

I looked up, but Hudgle didn't return my gaze. He stared into the flames, "Just thought you should know what an idiot you are."

Sarah moved in her sleep and I frowned. This whole thing was too complicated for me. Did she hate me or not? Regardless, I wasn't going to let her die.


"It's Hoggle."

"Right. What do you know about the peach that you gave Sarah?"

Hogboul looked at me, "You mean the one you forced me to give to her so that she wouldn't remember what she was doin'? Yeah, what about it?"

A log cracked in the fire and for a second I looked at it before continuing, "I need to know where it is."

The goblin shrugged, "Somewhere in the garbage. I found her with one of the collector goblins so I can only guess that it's somewhere around there. Why?"

I grabbed Higgen's arm and began pulling him in the direction of the trash heaps, "Because you're going to help me find it."


Hello my lovelies!

Hey guess what? .......  I'm back!! \(OoO)/ WOO HOO!

Yeah, and I am so sorry for leaving. I've missed you guys so much! And all the new faces in the comment section. Ya'll rock! XD

Quick shoutouts to accioluciusmalfoy, Sevarina_JM, davidbowiefanQueen, MiddleLight, Keilovestowrite, KenzieKraus, _bubblygirl_, and so many more. Thank you for all you comments, votes, and follows.

Also, this story is going to end pretty soon :(  But luckily, a lot of you guys are writing your own fanfics. Check each other's out! ^_^

Next update should be either this week or next.

As always,






p.s. anyone else see the new avengers? ;)

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