Chapter 15

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Jareth POV:

The two of us sat in my library, Sarah on my desk and me sloppily thrown into my chair. I glanced at the dark haired girl, "So, what we need to do... well let me start with the ending point and work my way back to where we start. We need to find the book, your book. Each of us had at least six trials, or obstacles to overcome. We both need to go back to where they occured- there will be clues there."

Sarah looked up at me, "Clues?"

I smiled, she's so cute when she's confused. I'm almost tempted to speak jibberish just so that I can keep that expression on her face. Sarah stared at me, "Why are you smiling?"

With effort I straightened my face, "Anyway, there will be clues that tell us where to find your book."

Sarah crossed her legs and I fought the urge to look at them. She sighed, "Well what will they look like?"

I would have loved to very heroically have an answer that was helpful and the cause for a celebration. I'd proudly stand up and confidentily state something marvelous and Sarah would be overjoyed. Then she'd see that there's no need to go home because I am just that wonderful. We'd kiss, then would come the wedding bells, then happily ever after, and finish it off with a fancy lettering 'the end'.


I started, "Huh?"

Sarah groaned, "You are the most unfocused person I've ever met. Seriously, do you have like ADD or something?"

What on earth was ADD? I shook my head, "I dunno, but that's not important right now. Clues, yeah, I don't know what they'll look like."

"Of course." Her dispirited expression pained me so I stood up and wrapped my arms around her. Sarah pushed me away, "Jareth, right now we need to find the book."

I stepped away, "Of course."

She bit her lip, "I say we make a list of the trials we went through. That way we can get through them faster."

I nodded, "So for me; the oubliette, cleaners, peach-"

Sarah cut me off, "Wait I thought those things were my trials."

I shook my head, "No, these were the things that I did to stop you or slow you down."

"So what did I face?"

I frowned, "Well for one the fireys, also the metal giant before you entered the Goblin City. Anything that I didn't purposely alter."

Sarah nodded, "Okay. So the fireys, the giant... Um. The door gaurds."

She looked at me for help. I bit the inside of my cheek, "The brickkeepers."


"The, uh, little creatures that kept changing your lipstick arrows."

Sarah thought before saying, "Oh yeah! Those guys were really annoying."

A moment of silence followed. Now that I came to think of it, they were pretty aggravating. Maybe I should do something about that. And what was up with them calling people's mothers aardarvks? How did they even get here? Being king and all you'd think I'd know this stuff.


I jumped at Sarah's voice, "What?"

Sarah stared at me, "What planet were you orbiting?"

I blinked, "Um..."

"Never mind, look, I can't think of anything else right now so I guess I'll get started with those four. Can you handle your tasks?"

I nodded as Sarah looked uncertainly at me, "Do you even know what your tasks are?"

I smiled, "Why don't you get your friends to help you? Ludo, Didymus, and Hogsmish-"

"Hoggle." She corrected.

I nodded, "Yeah."

Sarah hesitated a while longer before sliding off my desk, "Okay then."

I almost expected a hug or a 'good luck' but nothing came. Instead she stopped at the door, "How long do we have?"

I looked at her eyes, they were so beautiful. I swallowed my longing, "Two days."

Sarah looked at the floor, "I better get going then."

As she turned to leave, I took a rushed step towards her, "Sarah!"

She turned back, "Yes?"

I opened my mouth but closed it again. What had I planned to say to her? I swallowed, "Let me get your friends here. By the city gates."

Sarah nodded, "Okay."

And then she left.

I sat back in my chair, was I always going to be just The Goblin King to her? I sighed, the important thing now was that I find the clues to get the book to save her life. I absently brushed a piece of paper off my desk thinking of my trials. Oubliette, cleaners, peach... goblin battle. I pursed my lips. The Esher room, but that was only five...

Oh well, I might as well start with what I had. I puffed up my cheeks and blew the air out of them- this was going to be a real pain. The reason why, the one thing I had 'neglected' to tell Sarah was that, throughout this mission, I couldn't use my magic.


Hello lovelies! I'm sorry to say that not enough riddles came in and so no bonus chapter this time :(

I would like to give a shoutout to Brimless for submitting a riddle! Thanks for all the comments, votes, and participation. You're amazing!

Remember to vote, comment, and follow! ^_^

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