Chapter 20

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Sarah POV:

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" I kicked at the rocky labyrinth walls. It had been almost two hours of chasing down the brick keepers. Those creepy, hairy little monsters that kept messing the tiles on the ground. From behind me, I heard something move and a strangled voice shout, "Your mother is an aardvark!"

I spun around as a tiny head popped back below the earth, the tile falling over his head. I balled my hands into fists and glanced at the setting sun. It wouldn't be much longer before it was night. This was all Jareth's fault. I didn't know why or how, but for some reason it was. He was the all mighty Goblin King. The one that could do anything. So why wasn't he helping?

I kicked at the walls a little longer, continuing to get angry. I shouted at the setting sun, "This is all your fault Jareth! You rotten God-forsaken son of a b-"


I turned around mid-kick to face the rotten God forsaken son of a bitch. My face went red, "Oh... I didn't know you were standing there."

An awkward silence followed before I noticed something, "Where's your shirt?"

Jareth frowned, "Oh! Right here."

He wiggled his leg a bit and I saw it wrapped around his boot. I squinted at it, "Why aren't you wearing it like a normal person?"

Jareth swallowed, "Um... I'm starting a new trend. Where are you on hint gathering?"

I pursed my lips. Why was he here? He no doubt had all his clues. Was he just trying to provoke me? I decided to play it cool, "I almost have all of them."

"Really?" Jareth looked incredulous.

What was that supposed to mean? I glared at him, "Yes really. What, do you think I'm not capable or something?"

The Goblin King withdrew, "That's not what I meant, I-"

"Yeah," I interrupted, "I'm sure it wasn't. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a brick keeper to hunt down."


I sighed, exasperated, "The brick keepers. You know, those little ugly things you put under the ground to annoy each and every person who comes here? Yeah those guys. I need to find one so that I can get my clue so that I don't die. If you don't remember by the way, I'm still in pain and you're not helping so..." I motioned with my hands, "Shoo."

Jareth looked annoyed by what I'd said, but it served him right for being such a useless, arrogant know it all. When he didn't move I took a deep breath, "What. Do. You. Want. Jareth."

Jareth rubbed the back of his neck, "You do know you don't have to hunt down the brick keepers right?"

I stared at him, "What?"

The sound of stone scraping against the ground turned both of our heads. A brick keeper had hopped up and was slowly rotating his tile. I was about to pounce on the animal but Jareth stopped me. He spoke to the creature, "You're turning it the wrong way."

The brick keeper looked up at him, "Your mother is an aardvark!"

Jareth shrugged, "Even so, it's still facing the wrong way."

Two voices spoke from under the ground, "Sammy, you hurry. Where brick? Put down brick!"

Sammy looked from the tile, to Jareth, then back to the tile. The brick keeper whimpered, unsure of what to do.

"You have something of Sarah's. If you give it back to her, I'll show you the right way to face your brick."

Sammy whimpered again before scurrying down into the space where the tile had been. I pointed, "You see? What did that do? Nothing. I could have had him. I could have-"

Jareth shushed me as Sammy shyly crawled up out of the hole. He took an uneasy step towards us and tossed a feathered fan towards us. The Goblin King picked it up one graceful movement before handing it to me. It infuriated me that all the trouble I went through was for nothing. I hated that he was right.

Glaring at him, I snatched it from his hand and huffily said, "Just tell that thing where to put its brick."

I stomped off, trying to get far enough away that I wouldn't have to listen to Jareth's voice as he directed the brick keeper. I found my friends and waved the decorative fan at them, "Got it. Let's go."

Hoggle looked up from a tile that had just slapped back into place, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." I snapped. The three watched me with either hurt or worry and I softened, "Let's just get the next clue okay?"

"But my lady, 'tis getting dark out. Doth thou not wish to retire for the night?" Sir Didymus asked.

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by Jareth's voice, "We can stay in the Goblin City. Sarah has a clue to find around there I think."

I ground my teeth.

"Jareth?" I asked sweetly.


I turned to face him, "Leave me alone! I only have one day left now and I don't need you breathing down my neck the whole time!"

Hoggle eyed me uneasily, "Sarah, maybe we should take a break."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "Fine."

Ludo smiled tiredly and began lumbering off in the direction of the Goblin City. The rest of us followed, ready for a night of sleep and the end of this tedious day.


Hello my lovelies. How are you? And you? Oh, that's cool. It's all good. So this was a longer chapter as you can probably tell.

I'm not feeling all that wonderful so sorry... but shaw.

As always-






"I re-invented my image so many times that I'm in denial that I was originally an overweight Korean woman." -David Bowie :)

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