Chapter 17

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Jareth POV:

I figured that I'd start with the escher room since I was already at the palace. I took the stairs two at a time while thinking of what I might find. What would the clue even look like? A piece of paper with gibberish on it? A severed head? I paused on the steps at the thought. Shuddering, I continued on my way.

The escher room seemed larger than before, a little more... sad? I shrugged off the feelings before surveying the endless steps. I sighed, this would be so much easier if I could use my powers. My feet lightly ran over a set of stairs as I stopped to look around once more. Where would I ever find a clue?

It seemed like hours that I spent walking through the endless halls only to find that the perspective had changed and what once was up was now down. I realized that it was probably kind of cruel for me to have put Sarah through this. Making her solve a labyrinth only to have her world turned upside down. I had done all of it for her, but I was beginnning to think that maybe it was never my place to.

The longer I walked, the darker my thoughts became until they swirled over my vision, brewing themselves into an ugly fondue of doubt. What if I never had the right to send all the distractions I did. Maybe she never really wanted her brother back but instead wanted to run through a land of fantasy while she could. She knew all along that I loved her but she was just content to throw it back in my face.

I stopped and my heart sunk. What if that's why she was back?  She didn't really care about this place. It just wasn't enough for her break my heart, she had to come back and do the same thing again. She didn't care. She didn't love me. But why should she? What made her so different from everyone else in this miserable place?

I leaned against a wall before sliding into a sitting position. I tapped my boots against the cold stone floor. The echoing was oddly satisfying.

Tap tap. Tippity tap. Tap tap tip. Tap. Tap.

"Live without the sunlight

love without your heart beat


I can't




I changed the lyrics a bit, not sure if I liked them better that way. I rubbed my face with my hands and allowed my eyes to wander upwards. What if... I shook my head, ridding myself of the thoughts. I could never... a bright gleam of light caught my eyes and I looked to where it was. Sitting on one of the ledges was dazzling reflection of light.

Curious, I rose to my feet and began navigating the stairs, trying to find the object of interest. It took a while but eventually I heard my feet kick the tiny object and I looked down. Crouching down, I turned the  silver earing over in my hands.

Was this the clue? I knew where everything was in my Labyrinth and I certainly did not place this piece of jewelry here. I frowned, what was it supposed to mean? I ran a finger over it's delicate surface, tracing the grooves and trying to imagine it dangling from a woman's ear. It seemed so familiar and yet...

I tucked the earing into my palm before hurrying off. One down, five to go...


Hello my lovelies! ^_^

Sorry for the late hour update, I had auditions today and they ran forever. I just got home a little while ago. Anywho, as always






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