Charter 9

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~To make up for the horrible blasphamy of words that is also know as chapter eight, here is another, slightly better chapter. Please comment and critique!~

Jareth POV:

It had been a long day. All I'd done was find out what I could about Sarah. That and sulk. It seemed that the few things that I had found out only magnified what little I knew of her. Now I was laying in bed, debating about whether or not to take off my boots. I had once again thrown my shirt onto the floor where it was covering a massive pile of broken crystals.

I lifted my leg up so that my foot was above my face. I really should take off the boot. But I really didn't want to. Then again, it might get my bed dirty. But I didn't feel like taking it off. I grunted and sat up before reaching for my boot. I am not very flexible so I couldn't quite reach it since it was at the end of my outstretched leg. Could I have bent my leg? Honestly, yes. But I didn't. Looking back on that moment I don't know why seeing as though it would've been easier than going forth with the battle that I did.

I lunged forward and grabbed the toe of my boot, "Aha!"

But then it wouldn't come off. I pulled at the shoe, eventually bending my leg so that it was more accessible. With one hand on the toe and the other on the heel I gave a sharp tug. Something in my ankle popped and I gasped, bending over to put pressure on it. I squeezed my eyes shut, what the hell just happened?

I looked at my boot, so far no blood seemed to be flowing out of the top of it. I did overreact a little bit but ankles are not supposed to pop like that! I gave my shoe a gentle tug. Why wasn't this thing coming off? I crawled across my bed and leaned over to my dark wooden nightstand. I grabbed the pliers that were laying on top of it.

In my defense, I wasn't thinking when I preformed my operation. I just wanted to get my boot off. Well, I ended up doing more harm than help. I firmly grasped the top my boot with the pliers and pulled down. There was the terrible sound of ripping leather and I stared in horror down at the mess that had been my boot. I nearly had a panic attack, these were brand new boots. I had waited weeks for them to be made.

Numbly, I lifted my foot out of the leather carcass. It couldn't possibly get worse. That's when I remembered that I still had another boot on. I knew it was ridiculous to try and keep it in good condition since the other one was... well.. I began trying to pry the boot off my foot with no luck. I was getting frustrated. Why wouldn't it come off? I sighed angrily and glared at the boot. Oooo it was evil.

I don't know how it happened, but soon enough I was singing the song I'd heard the fireys sing. It was catchy and so I sat, tugging at my boot and singing.

Chilly down with the fire gang

think small with the fire gang

Bad hep with the fire gang

When your thing gets wild

Chilly down

Chilly down with the fire gang

Act tall with the fire gang

Good times bad food

When your thing gets wild chilly down

Chilly down.

"Hey I know that song!" A voice from my doorway made me look up. I blinked, "Sarah?"

Standing in my room was the girl I had chased. The one I'd promised the world. And now she was right here. I could've died, "Sarah!"

I was hit by the realization of what she was seeing. One bare foot, a shreaded boot, and a floor littered with shattered with crystals. Me on a bed overflowing with pillows. Not wearing a shirt. Not wearing a shirt! I scrambled to grab the blankets but fell off the bed before reaching up and covering myself with a pillow. Sarah stared at me. I stared back and swallowed.

I watched as Sarah's eyes fell to my bed. My face grew warm. It was piled with so many pillows that I rarely ever used the blankets. I just kind of burrowed under the pillows instead. I looked from Sarah to the bed and back, "What are you doing here?"

She seemed to be trying to get over the sight of my bed, "I brought myself here. I wanted to come back so I did."

My heart stuttered, "You wanted to come back?"

Sarah nodded, "I missed my friends. Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Didymus. I came back for them."

"Oh." I felt like I'd been slapped. I looked up at her before noticing something, "Where's the baby?"

Sarah blinked, "You mean Toby?"

Who else would I be talking about? But I didn't say that to her, "Yes, Toby."

"Oh well," Sarah bit her lip. I found it adorable and almost didn't hear her say, "I left him at home."

"You what?" I said. She jumped at the horror in my voice, "Well what's it matter to you?"

"He's a baby and you left him with your parents!" I said.

Sarah put her hands on her hips, "It's not like he's yours or anything."

"He might as well be! I seem to be twice the parent you are!" I stood up, forgetting the pillow and brushed past her. Sarah followed me down the hall, "Oh please, you a parent?"

I looked over my shoulder at her, "Well I'm a hell of a better one than you."

"I don't even want to be a parent!" Sarah said hotly. We turned a corner as I replied, "Well thank God for that."

I walked into the main room and grabbed the crystal that I kept by my throne. Sarah crossed her arms, "What's that supposed to mean?"

I looked into the crystal, "You said you didn't want to be a parent and I thanked God because you truly make a wretched one."

Sarah raised her arms and let them fall but was silent. My eyes were locked onto the crysal where Toby had appeared. He was crying in his crib all alone. I showed the crystal to Sarah, "Why isn't anyone checking on him? He sounds miserable!"

Sarah bit her lip, "They probably went out."

"And left the baby?" I said. Sarah shrugged, "Normally I get home sooner or later."

"Oh that makes me feel so much better." I gazed back into the crystal.

"I honestly don't get what the big deal is." Sarah said. I made my voice low and smooth, "I understand where you're coming from. Because leaving a baby is no big deal. You know what? We should all just leave our children lying around. Why not? It's no big deal."

Sarah rolled her eyes, "You're unbelievable."

With that she began walking off. I really didn't want her to end up in my room again so I called after her, "Where are you going?"

She yelled without looking back, "Away from you."

Simply put, it was our first fight.

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