Chapter 2

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Sarah POV:


I grumbled and rolled over.


I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "Coming..."

It was the morning after I'd solved the labyrinth and escaped from the underground. But except for Toby, I saw no happiness in this. I missed Hoggle and Ludo and Sir Didymus and... and... No. I didn't miss him. I was actually glad to be away from him. The Goblin King. Jareth...

My door opened to reveal a furious Karen, "Sarah I have already called you twice. Why are you still sleeping? And in your clothes none the less? A girl your age should be more sophisticated. You know that. Just look at your room. How long must you hang on to all this fairy tale junk?"

Karen looked distastefully at my many statues, books, and toys. I sighed sleepily, "Did you come up here to ask me something or complain about my room?"

Karen pursed her lips, "Your father and I are going out to lunch for a charity fund. He needs you to stay home with Toby."     

Yesterday I probably would've complained, maybe even resisted, but ever since I had risked my life for the baby I felt like he was my obligation. So I simply nodded. Maybe I could tell him a story or show him my other teddy bears. Toby had taken a liking to Lancelot, that made me happy.

Karen took one last glance at my possessions before walking out of my room. I watched her blue silk top move further away as she called, "There's leftover cassorole for you, please don't cook anything else. Make sure you feed Toby."

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and rubbed my eyes. What time was it? One thirty, I was surprised, I never sleep in this late. A cry from the bedroom across from mine made me groan. As much as I love Toby, he is the whiniest baby you will ever see, always crying about something.

I walked into the baby's room to see Toby standing in his crib, still wearing his white and red striped pajamas. I sighed, "What is it Toby? Why are you crying?"

Toby gave no answer. Not that he would. I plucked him from his crib and cradeled him in my arms, "Let me tell you a story okay?"

I always go to telling a story first. My imagination is active enough but today I had a special story in mind, "I'm going to tell you the story of the labyrinth."

Toby blinked up at me, seeming to forget that he had been crying. I smiled, "One day a young girl, who had grown tired of her stepmother's nagging and her brother's crying, called on the King of the Goblins for help. She said her right words and only a moment later, the babe was whisked away to the King's castle. He told the girl that she had only thirteen hours to solve the labyrinth that gaurded his castle or he would keep the baby forever."

Toby giggled and clapped his hands. I nodded, "Yes, the King's name was Jareth and he had the strangest eyes. One blue and one brown. They were deeper than an abyss and so mysterious..."

Already my story had strayed as I stared out the double french doors that led outside. Toby looked too, as if expecting to see something. I walked over to the doors, "This is where he came in Toby, all dressed in black with his wild blond hair. Sparkles and everything."

I quickly walked into my room and showed him the poster of the Esher room, "And this is where I confronted him and found you."

Toby gurgled and slapped the picture with his hand.

"You like it don't you?" I stared at it, thinking that maybe if I looked hard enough I would see the figures of me and Jareth standing on a platform and Toby on another. I remember the words he had sung, everything I've done I've done for you, I move the stars for no one.

I sighed, "What do you think Toby?"

But Toby was already sleeping. I gently kissed him on his forehead and carried him to his room before tucking him in. Quietly, I turned off the light and snuck into my room. I glanced at the Esher poster again. I move the stars for no one.

I pursed my lips before grabbing my music box and sat on my bed. I frowned as I turned the key on the side and listened for the music. It didn't come.

"What?" I cranked up the music box again but nothing came out. Was it broken? No, how could that be? I knew the song it was supposed to play. It was the one Jareth had sung me when I was at the ball. But now I couldn't remember the words. Something about evenings and gold mornings. I shoved the music box under my pillow, frustrated. Why was it that the one time I wanted to hear his song was the only time it wouldn't play?


Greetings my dearests! I hope you all are enjoying the book so far ^-^

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