Chapter 10

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Sarah POV:

I had wandered aimlessly through the Goblin King's castle looking for the way out. When I finally stepped outside, it was into the goblin city. It was much different than the day I'd come. Then it was silent and empty, waiting for us to meet our defeat. But now, goblins were running to and fro, chattering and some of the smaller goblins were playing games not familiar to me. A little ways up was a sort of market, made of collapsable stands and tents. Chickens were clucking and the sellers were shouting out.

"Rotten Eggs! Set in sun for two weeks!"

"Stale chocolate! For that special someone!"

"Come get your next clay bowl! Pre-cracked!"

I walked past the market, not really wanting to have to endure the smells of rotten eggs and the other various things I'd seen being displayed. I began walking towards the exit gates, almost getting run over by a goblin wheeling a cart full of peaches towards the castle. I stood off to the side, watching more follow, these goblins strolling in other various produce. A small goblin was standing by the gate checking off the carts, "Corn, check. Rice, check. Eggs, be careful with those, check. Milk, che- No wait! We don't need that much milk!"

The bumbling goblin who had been menuvering the cart of milk looked confused, "I thought we were supposed to bring more milk."

The tiny goblin shook his head, "No no no. The King canceled that order, read your forms and take that stuff out of my sight!"

I quickly slipped out of the city before the next cart could come in.

I took in a deep breath, I was finally back. I smiled, where should I go? Hmmm... Where should I go? To Hoggle. I'd missed his grouchy old face and wanted him to know that I was back. That's where I was going to go. I was about to set out when I hesitated. How would I get there? I shrugged off the thought, I'd just go back the way I came.

This turned out to be harder than I thought. Not all of the turns were the same and everything looked different going the other way. I sighed and looked around. I was somewhere I didn't recognize at all. The ground was made of white stone and there didn't seem to be anything else. I kept walking and soon found a cliff-like drop. The white concrete had ended abruptly, creating a steep ledge. Beyond the twenty foot drop was what appeared to be a forrest.

I crept to the edge of the stone and looked down. The ground was dark and green and I spotted a rope lying on top of a baby shrub. I frowned, what was a rope doing down there? I didn't have to wonder long for soon I heard joyous lyrics emenating from deep in the forrest.

I shake my pretty little head

(shake my pretty little head)

I tap my pretty little feet

(tap my pretty little feet)

Feelin' brighter than sunlight

Louder than thunder

Bouncin' like a yo yo 

The fireys! I knew where I was! Grunting, I lifted myself over the edge of the cliff and placed my foot on a sturdy rock that jutted out of the wall. I made the mistake of looking down and instantly tensed. A chill ran down my back. It was much higher than I'd originally thought. I shook off my nerves and reached my other leg down. It rested on another slab of stone and I gave a sigh of relief. But then the rock gave way and a panicked scream escaped before I fell.

I hit the ground with a loud thud and stared up at the ledge in a daze. Eventually I sat up to see that I had fallen into a soft bush. Good thing too, I might have broken a bone otherwise. I gingerly stood up, trying one limb at a time, waiting for a shock of pain. It didn't come. I blew loose strands of hair from my face before continuing on my journey. 

Luckily, I got threw the forrest without the interference of the fireys. I wasn't really sure how'd they react to seeing me again, if they even remembered me. At the edge of the forrest I found a door. Smiling, I pushed threw it to find my self in the part of the labyrinth that I had found Ludo. Turning around, I saw the doorknockers that I had once referred to as 'two ugly characters'. I grinned and went on my way. 

I walked out of the shrubbery maze only to be stopped by a thought. I had  gone up through the oubliette passage to get here and before that, I had fallen into the hole that the 'helping hands' resided in. Was it possible to go down the passage, into the oubliette, and get the helping hands to pull me up? If only there was an easier way to find Hoggle. 

"Young girl." An old voice said. I turned around to find the wiseman firmly seated in his stone chair. His hat was looking at the clouds, "Couldn't we just go for a run? Perhaps even fly?" 

The wiseman rolled his eyes at the bird before looking at me, "You appear to be lost. Is it anything that I may assist you with?"

I checked my pockets for something to give him before answering, "Yes actually, I'm looking for my friend Hoggle. Do you know where I could find him?"

The wiseman thought for a moment before saying, "The only true way to find our friends is to search with our hearts."

With that bit of wisdom the wiseman dipped his chin into his chest fell asleep, leaving his hat to say,"Please leave a contribution in the little box."

I slipped the seaglass keychain I had found in my pocket into the wooden box that the wiseman's hand had extended out to me. That was, um, helpful. 

It took forever, but after climbing down the passage, into the oubliette, going up the helping hands' tunnel, and taking turn after turn in the many mazes, I at long last stood before the huge double doors that led out of the labyrinth. From the other side of the wall I heard a triumphant voice shout, "Two hundred and ten!"

I bit my lip, unsure of what to do.

"Hoggle?" I shouted. There was a pause before the doors opened to reveal a very surprised and confused dwarf. His eyes were unsure, "Sarah?"

"Hey Hogwart." I said affectionately. My words removed all doubt from Hoggle's face and he jumped into my arms, "Sarah!"

It felt so good to have someone who cared about me. I broke our embrace, "What have you been up to?"

Hoggle eyed me, "It ain't been more than a few eeks. How much could happen in that amount of time?"

It had only been a couple weeks but it felt as though I'd been gone forever. I smiled, "But seriously, anything worth mentioning?"

The two of us had begun walking down the log littered path of the labyrinth. Hoggle shrugged before his voice took on an evasive tone, "Just yesterday Jareth shown up and started asking about you."

"He what?" I spun around to face Hoggle but he kept walking, forcing me to tag along. I glanced at the dwarf, "What do you mean he was asking about me?"

Hoggle shrugged, "Just asked about your hobbies and thoughts on things."

A weird feeling crept into my stomach, "What kinds of things?"

"Oh everything! You should've seen how bad he wanted to get an answer from me. He even stole my jewels!"

I tried to force back my smile, was Jareth trying to get to know about me? It was almost cute. I wanted to talk more about it but Hoggle had moved on, "So where do you plan on stayin' then?"

I opened my mouth but then closed it. I hadn't thought of that. I pursed my lips, "I don't really know."

Hoggle looked at me sideways, "Well I might have an idea if you're up for it."

I shrugged, "Sure."

I mean how bad could his idea be? I realized my mistake as Hoggle began leading me back towards the Goblin King's palace.

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