Chapter 21

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Sarah POV:

We were dancing. All around me were flowing gowns and laughing people. Muted voices and blurry music. Memories hung like precious diamonds. And words. Not sung but spoken. Gentle words of golden mornings and a security that was as precious as newborn love. It was warm and cozy, a place I never wanted to leave.

"Sarah, breakfast!"

I started at the scratchy voice and awakened to find myself on a bed crudely made of... I grabbed a handful and held it in front of my face. Were they rags? Hoggle shambled into my veiw with a clay plate piled with poached eggs. He shoved the plate at my face, "Eat up. We have to get going."

I tried to prop myself up on one elbow but yelled out as a searing pain shot up my side, spreading across my body and spinning into my legs. Hoggle jumped at my sudden outburst and ran closer to me, "Sarah what's wrong? Are you dying? You're dead ain't ya? Oh I knew it! I knew we'd never make it in time!"

I layed on my bed of rags panting from the pain. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the pain to subside. When it finally did I raised my voice to speak over Hoggle's rants, "Hoggle! I'm not dead, I just... here, help me up."

The old dwarf grabbed a hold of my hand, "Sarah, I think the poison is spreading."

I glanced at the black spiderweb of my veins, "It's okay, we just need to find the next clue."

It took nearly half an hour to get me off the pile of rags; the pain was excruciating. I just talked myself through it and now here I was limping down the streets of the Goblin City. Sir Didymus led our entourage, followed by Ludo and I with Hoggle cautiously trailing behind. I hadn't seen Jareth since yesterday and so I figured that he'd gone back to his castle. Whatever.

Sir Didymus gave a hearty laugh, "'Tis not much further to the iron beast that preceeds this foul smelling city!"

Thank goodness he was right; by the time we arrived at the metal giant, my legs were shaking and I felt out of breath. The poison was spreading.

"Stop you civilians!" A little goblin stood at the foot of the robot-like monster. I looked down at him, "We just need to take a look. We're searching for anything that may have been out of place."

The goblin shook his head, "I'm sorry but no one is allowed to approach. Ever since a few days ago, the giant has been malfunctioning. If I ever meet the scoundrels who miscalubrated him..." He paused to think before thoughtfully stating, "I'd have to kill them I would."

"Oh..." A silence fell over my group of friends. The goblin drew something from his pocket, "But I did find this in his head. No one's ever seen it before."

He stretched out his arm and handed me the small object. I squinted at it, "It's a spoon!"

"Made of real diamonds too. I don't thinks we have any use for it. We normally just collect valuable things."

I tore my eyes from the spoon, "What do you mean valuable?"

The goblin shrugged, "Oh you know, plastic and things like that. I heard that my neighbor once found a piece of cork! Of course, it didn't end up being a cork. Rumor is that it was the neighborhood cat's... um... well I hope you can do well with that piece of garbage. Good day to you!"

We watched the goblin stumble off before I turned the spoon back over in my hands.

"What is it my lady?"

I bit my lip, "I don't know..."


I groaned when I saw Jareth running towards me. I quickly slipped the spoon into my pocket, 'What do you want?"

Jareth grabbed my wrist and began pulling me away, "I need to borrow you real quick."

"Jareth- Ow! Let me go!"

The Goblin King faced me, "This is serious. I need you for something."

I glared at him, "Uh huh."

Jareth rolled his eyes, "I need to know which oubliette you fell into."

I took a step back, "Gee, it was the one that was a hole."

Hoggle stepped forward, "It was the one that the Coupern sisters fell down."

I glanced at Hoggle, "Who?"

The two ignored me and began walking in the opposite direction that we had come. I gave an exasperated groan but followed. There had better be a good reason for this.


Hello my lovelies, I hope everyone had happy holidays and a great new year!

As for the late update, this is the first time I've been allowed to use any electronic since Christmas. Was it because I was grounded? Did I loose my computer andphone? Did the wi-fi connection have an unexpected week long cut-out? No, no, and no. The reason was that my relatives came over and I had to spend every second of my being with them.

But not to worry! I am back and will be trying to fix some stuff and update other things.

As always,






P.S. How was everyone's holiday? Comment below, I love reading the responses I get. Vaarwell,
Auf Wiedersehen, Adeus, Adios, Arriverderci, Sayounara, Au Revoir, and Fare Thee Well! Dedication to first person who can tell me all the correct languages of those farewells ;)

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