Chapter 18

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Sarah POV:

It wasn't long before my friends and I had found our way out of Firey Forrest. We had just passed the talking door knockers when Sir Didymus spoke up, "My lady? Once we have all the clues what, pray tell, shall happen next?"

I looked down at the fox, "What do you mean?"

"Well do you simply plan to wander the labyrinth until you die? What kind of life shall you live here?"

I turned a corner of the labyrinth shubbery and shrugged, "There's so much to do here. I mean, I highly doubt that I'll run out of places to go."

Didymus nodded, "But what of life? Friends, college, marriage, children. Do you see any way that those things are managable in the Labyrinth?"

"You make it seem like you don't want me to be here." I huffed.

The small creature hurried to answer, "No no no. It's not that at all. I just... I want what's best. Whether it be with us... or not."

Didymus looked up at me and I began to wonder. What if I shouldn't be here? Should I just go home? Maybe I could explain to Jareth that I had made a mistake. Would he let me go that easily? Maybe he would stop loving me after time. Maybe he already had! It was probably all a sick joke anyway- all that crap about loving me. If my own father didn't seem to give a care about me why should the 'all mighty' Goblin King?

'All mighty'. Mister 'I love pillows and other people's baby brothers' had probably already found his clues. I brewed at the thought of him flicking his wrist and magically producing everything he needed. I could picture the bastard sitting in his throne as he watched me through one of his crystal balls. Ugh.

The sun was at its highest by the time we reached the four door gaurds who were chatting amongst themselves. Upon our arrival I heard one of them whisper, "Shut up Alf, people are coming."

Another voice shot back, "I am quiet. It's Tim and Jim you ought to quiet."

"Who me? The one making noise is Ralph."

"Oh what a lie!"

"Is not, I tell the truth!"


"You shhh."





I took a step towards the gaurds, "Um, hi guys. Do any of you have something for me? A clue maybe?"

Tim stuck his head up over the sheild, "We 'ave a riddle!"

"But that's only half of it!" Alf said, sending the others into a short lived burst of laughter. I looked at Hoggle and shrugged before turning back to the gaurds, "Well can I have the riddle?"

Ralf snickered, "Of course, you just have to pick the right riddle!"

I sighed, "What?"

"One of us has the true riddle and the other has the lie riddle. Tim has the lie."

"I do not!"

I rolled my eyes, "Alright, why don't we cut out a step? Alf, would Tim tell me that your riddle is correct?"

Alf pouted, "That takes the fun out of it."

"Yes or no?"

Alf glanced down at Ralf before mumbling, "Yes."

I made my way to Tim, "What riddle do you have for me?"

Tim lifted one finger and recited the riddle, "What is at the beginning of time and the end of eternity?"

"You idiot," Jim interrupted, "You put it backwards. The riddle is what is at the beginning of eternity and the end of time. It doesn't work the other way because 'time' doesn't start with the letter 'y'."

The three other gaurds quickly silenced Jim with a loud, "Shhhhh!"

I frowned. Beginning of eternity, end of time. Beginning of time (if it started with y), and end of eternity. It seemed like it had to do with the spelling.

"Oh!' The answer came to me and I excitedly rattled off the answer, "Eternity starts with 'e' and time ends with it!"

Tim groaned, "Nice job Jim. Gave her the answer."

With that he tossed me what looked like a long silver brooch incrusted with black diamonds. I stared at it trying to make sense of it. After awhile I gave up, not seeing anything important about it.

"Well," I looked at my friends, "Let's find the brick-keepers and get that next clue."

I almost wished that Jareth was watching me at that moment, just so that he could see how little I needed him. I wanted him to be reminded of the fact that I was powerful without magic, and that he had no power over me.


Hello darlings! ^_^

Sorry for the late update, I have been so busy with school and events. I went to a silent dinner the other day (where deaf and hearing people alike can come together and sign with each other) and stayed way too late!

Anywho, tension between Jareth and Sarah is building! Ooooo... all the doubt that's coming around! Will Sarah stay or won't she? What do you guys think? As always,






It's Only Forever (a labyrinth fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon