Chapter 4

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Sarah POV:

I sat on the soft grass, holding Toby in my lap. Merlin, my sheepdog, was sniffing at some bushes further away. The day had passed quickly between trying to keep Toby entertained and making him happy. There was still no word from my parents. They were late. Again. I bounced Toby on my knee, "You getting hungry? Well I am. Let's go see if there's anything good for dinner."

I whistled to get Merlin's attention and began walking out of the park and down the quiet streets. The sun was setting so peacefully that it seemed the world had gone mute, holding its breath in the beauty of the reds and oranges.

By the time I arrived at the house, Toby was miserable and fat shrieking wails were coming from his mouth. I set him in his high chair and opened the fridge, searching for something he would eat. Toby was not only a very unhappy baby but also a very picky one. I give Karen the credit for that. As I sifted through the food I became more and more tired of Toby's crying, "Oh hush Toby."

This only seemed to make him cry harder. Exasperated I spun around with a cold bottle of milk in my hand, "Really Toby, were you this horrendous with Jareth too?"

Toby stopped crying and looked at me quizically. I frowned, "Jareth?"

Toby smiled slightly and gave a silly giggle. Until now I'd thought that maybe Jareth had been torturing my brother or showering him in some sort of wierd voodoo. Now I wondered if perhaps he had taken care of the baby? I shook my head. It was ridiculous to even think that Toby could recognize a name. Things like that don't happen, it's impossible. But then again... My mind fell to the worm I had met in the labyrinth as I recalled his words, "Things are not always as they seem in this place so you can't take anything for granted." I walked over to Toby and spent the next hour and a half feeding and cleaning up after him before finally heating up some left over chilli for myself. 

Not long after I had put Toby to sleep with Lancelot, I was in my room when I heard the front door open.

"Sarah, we're home!"

I looked up from the book I was reading but didn't answer, they would eventually come into my room to check on me. Like always. Unfortunately, what I'd expected is not what happend.

"SARAH WILLIAMS!" Karen's voice shouted from downstairs. I groaned and set down 'Where the Wild Things Are' before marching downstairs to recieve what would inevitably end up as another one of her 'why did you do this wrong you imperfect child' lecture.

"What?" I asked as I met her in the kitchen. Karen jabbed a finger at the fridge, "I told you to only eat the casserole!"

I shrugged, "That's what you said to heat up for lunch, you didn't mention anything about dinner."

"You couldn't wait to eat until my husband and I got back?"

I stared at her, "You were only supposed to be gone a few hours and I didn't know when you'd get back!"

"Don't talk to me that way, we weren't even gone that long."

"You were gone nine hours!"

"Oh Sarah. Stop exaggerating, I know what time we left and got back. You need to learn to be responsible and follow simple instructions."

I balled my hands into fists, "I am not Toby's mother! I shouldn't have to be with him all the time!"

"You aren't with him all the time, and maybe if you weren't such a spoiled brat you would see that!"

I screamed in frustation before shouting, "I hate you!"

And with that I stomped up the stairs to my bedroom where I flung myself onto my bed and cried. I cried for the responsibilities that were being forced on me and for my friends I had left in the labyrinth. I cried for the mother I didn't have and the father that seemed to fade from my view more and more everyday. But mostly I cried for the knowledge that someone who truly loved me, who had offered me the world, was so close in a world so far away. He had offered me his eternal love. And I had turned him down.


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