chapter 17- the ball pt.2

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My parents are out. I text them that I'll be gone for the night so they don't stress out or worry anymore than they usually do.

I struggle as I put on my golden high heels. I wear the black lace mask and I turn over to the mirror.

I eye the girl staring back at me, wondering what if this is who I really am. I don't think it is?

Maybe it was good that I wasn't born rich because fancy clothes and social events are not my thing. Yes, I love to admire them from afar, but experiencing is a whole different conversation.

I'd rather stick to my comfy ballerina aesthetic, which consists of baby pinks, silk, tulle and cheap silver jewellery.

I feel the intricate designs of the lace on my mask, using it as a way to calm me down.

Just then I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and  unlock it.

"You ready?" He asks me gently.

I nod and take a deep breath.

I walk slowly over to his car and enter it, surprised to hear the playlist I made for him on blast.

It makes me smile and feel warm inside. I follow his movements with my eyes and watch as he enters his car. Observing people from afar is such a good away to reduce nerves. It makes you analyse them and what they do instead of analysing the situation you're in.

From doing this I now know that Jacob fidgets a lot. It's so cute. He fidgets with his fingers. I'm not sure if it's to do with nerves or anything like that, but it's good to know.

Jacob starts the car and begins driving to Town Hall.

'Slow Dancing in the Dark' by Joji starts playing and I can't help but close my eyes and sway to the rhythm of the music. I feel my soul be lifted, I feel Jacob's presence all around me when this song plays. It's refreshing.

I place my hand on his laps and hope that he doesn't say anything and just goes with it. I just want us to be in this car, with my hand on his lap, without speaking and without making it awkward.

I look out of the window. I can sense him looking at my hand on his lap and then at me and then at my hand again.

Thankfully, he understands that I just want silence.

You know you've found a true friend when you can hang out with each other in silence without it being awkward.

He's a true friend, he'll be with me till the end, I can tell.

We pull up at Town Hall, and Jacob being the gentleman that he is, he opened the car door for me. This is the second time he's done this for me.

Jacob leads me to the back of Town Hall where there's a back door that we can go through so we don't have to pay any entrance fees.

The door is quite small so we crouch down so we can fit.

Fortunately, in front of the back door is a table full of food so me and Jacob are covered. When the coast is clear we move out from under the table and we stand up properly.

"Good job, partner in crime," Jacob praises me.

I return his kind words with a kind smile.

I finally look around me and I am in awe. How can plain ol' town hall look as stellar as it does now? It's absolutely spectacular.

The gold and white decoration compliments Town Hall so well, props to the person who did all of this.

Then it hit me. The deafening chatter of all the people, it's petrifying and an overwhelming feeling starts to take control of me. I told you I didn't like social events. Well, before I had cancer I didn't mind them, but now I do. It's just the thought of not knowing who's talking about you.

Just then Jacob hugged me. He hugged me. It's always the other way around where I hug him but this time it's different.  I feel his warmth around me instead of him feeling my warmth.

His hugs are cozy. I love them.

"Don't worry, Valerie," He gives me the most heartwarming smile and takes my hand firmly in his.

I listen to him because I trust him. I won't worry.

I give him a smile back, thanking him for being there for me through the expression on my face.

Hand in hand, we walk ahead and are greeted by the boisterous atmosphere that the rich people of Selbrook naturally exude.

The orchestra in the back begin to play classical music.

I turn over to Jacob and say, "Shall we?"

"Yes we shall."

We start dancing and we quickly begging to take the spotlight.

We dance our problems away, each step getting lighter and lighter as weight glides off our shoulders.

We laugh nonstop. Look at us, dancing with the rich people.

"Wow,you are such a good dancer." Jacob states, "You need to show me your ballet one day."

"I will, don't worry," I reply.

A strand of my hair falls in front of my face. Jacob gently pushes it away and tucks it behind my ear. I begin blushing immediately as he does this. He notices but doesn't say anything, all he does is chuckle under his breath.

I look deeply into his eyes, the lace mask complimenting his eye shape. For once they don't bore back into mine, for once they glisten. For once Jacob looks truly happy. For the first time in a long time he looks comfortable, he isn't blocking who he truly is. This pits me at ease. I get to dance with the real him, the real Jacob Hiell.

Just then he kisses me.

The kiss lasted a good 3 seconds.

He looks back at me, trying to see how I felt about the kiss.

Personally, I'm absolutely flabbergasted.

My mouth drops and I just stare at him.

"Why?" I ask, confused with what's just happened and with my feelings.

When he kissed me it felt like time stopped, like my heart skipped a beat, but I don't know if it's in a good way.

"I-I'm really sorry, Valerie," Jacob apologises to me.

"For what?" I ask him.

"For everything."

whew, this chapter was a roller coaster of emotions
word count-1085

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