Chapter 1

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Thea's POV:

Underlined is what a character is thinking

After being discharged we are on our way of going home, on the way I saw the cemetery. "Hey aunt Jenna, can you stop at the cemetery for a few minutes. I want to visit mom and dad." I asked Jenna. She gave me a small sad smile and said "Of course sweetheart." She paused on the side of the road; I got out and made my way into the cemetery looking for Grayson and Miranda Gilbert. I know the reason Elena and Thea survived was because of Stefan and that he is keeping an eye on (stalking) Elena, so I decided to be careful not to spill the secret accidentally.

After 7 minutes of walking around I found the Gilbert parents. I went to their graves and placed a few roses I bought from across the street and thought hey Gilbert parents I am Althea Winters and not Thea Gilbert. I am guessing your daughter died and I was placed in her body. I am really sorry for everything that happened to you and your family but I promise to protect them from all the dangers that are coming. I hope you forgive me and thank you. After that mental conversation I had with them I left the cemetery and we are once again on our way to the Gilbert house.  The route seemed like me yet it was new. Everything around me felt alike but I did not know anything around me. The memories of Elena, Jeremy and I were running in my head constantly but they were not mine they were Thea's and now I am Thea.



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Soon we reached the Gilbert house

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Soon we reached the Gilbert house. We went inside and up to our rooms. My room looked descent just like it was in Thea's memories. I sat on the bed and started thinking about everything that happened to get a conclusion. I died in my world and entered the TVD universe into Thea Gilberts body. Thea Gilbert is Grayson and Miranda Gilbert's younger daughter. John and Jenna's niece and Jeremy and Elena's younger sister. From her memories I found out that Thea is academically smart or you could say gifted that she is in the same year as Elena and dues to this most of Elena's friends are close with Thea too.

Thea's relationship dynamics with Mystic gang was good too. Thea was a cheerleader and co-captain of the team along with Caroline and in fact Caroline is Thea's best friend like Bonnie is with Elena. Thea liked and admired Bonnie and they were part of the same friend group so they were close. Thea and Matt were not enemies but they were not friends either. Thea did not like the idea of her sister dating somebody like Matt and Matt did not like how Thea was against their relationship. I unsurprisingly agree with Thea. Matt is my least favorite character in the show and survived till Legacies and other characters who deserved to live died and I hate that. Thea's relationship with Tyler was not much, they talked when necessary and otherwise did not.

I love the relationship Thea has with her family though. Thea and Jeremy are inseparable until Jeremy started going through his drug phase and Thea started acting more like Elena trying to boss him and stop him from doing it. I however plan to stop that, I hate how Elena let Damon compel Jeremy numerous times on the show and that will not be happening on my watch. I will also try to mend the relationship between them. Now Thea and Elena's relationship is adorable, even though I am not a fan of Elena their bond makes me want to cry and laugh. Their sister bond is amazing they were always there for each other and always supported them and I will make sure that happens even if I am not the original Thea. Jenna and Thea were perfect too, Jenna became a second mom figure, friend, elder sister, adviser, and anything Thea wanted.

After thinking everything through I got a few journals out of Thea's shelfs and wrote everything I knew would happen once the pilot starts. It took me 3 whole books to fit the storyline of TVD, TO and Legacies. Next, I wrote the characters from the most important to least important, what they do, what they are, who they are, why they are important, should I kill them or save them and all that. In the next journal I wrote my plan of actions or to do list for before the pilot starts. Which consists of

1.     Build a garden full of vervain, sage, wolfsbane, lavender, witch hazel and other important herbs.

2.     Save Enzo from Augustine

3.     Save Davina and make Marcel an ally

4.     Burn the bridge

5.     Get the moonstone

6.     Get Emily Bennet's talisman

7.     Dig up journal from Papa Salvatore's grave

8.     Send a picture of Hayley to an investigation agency to look for her

9.     Get vervain Tattoo's for Jeremy, Jenna, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie

10.Get Liz checked for Cancer

After making the list and writing everything down I looked at the time and realized it had been 4 hours since I came into my room. I put everything in drawer underneath the bed and went to take a shower. After shower I went downstairs and found Jenna and Elena watching tv, so I asked them "hey guy, what are you watching?" to which Jenna replied "Twilight Saga." I laughed at the irony of the situation and sat along with them when Elena asked me "Hey how are you right now?" I gave her a small smile and replied "I am not good Elena, I am lost and confused but I have you guys so I know I will be better soon, not now but soon. For now, I just want to let things happen you know." She gave me a sad smile before replying "Yeah I understand and just know that I am her for you whenever you want and Jenna and Jeremy are here too, Alright?" "I know and the same goes for all of you too so don't forget." I looked at the two of them and replied.

After completing the movie Jenna and I went to the kitchen to make dinner when I brought up the conversation of my to do list. "Hey Jenna, I know this might seem sudden and everything but I wanted to go out tomorrow. I feel like I am being cooped up so I thought Ill go and get a few plants and make a cute garden and go to Whittemore college and get a few of dads' old things, So can I?" she looked at me with a small smile an tears in her eyes before replying "Absolutely and no it is not so sudden I understand and yeah go ahead if you want spend some time outside and start over with small things then absolutely go ahead sweety." Jenna's reply made me happy and I gave her a hug.

After dinner was prepared, I took a plate up to Jeremy's room and knocked after a few seconds I heard a come in so I went inside. "Hey here's your food, I brought it up here as I thought you would not want to come downstairs right now," he took the plate from me and said a small thank you. Watching me still stand there confused him and hence he asked me "Everything okay?" I gave him a smile and said "yeah everything is fine just wanted to talk o you. Are you free for a few minutes. I am not going to tell you not to drugs and all that. I just wanted to say after I woke up from whatever that was coma or I do not know, I just felt like I lost everything. Mom and dad are dead, Elena survived miraculously thank God, I thought I was going to die too but I did not, and I know you have turned to drugs for comfort Jeremy and I will not say anything but just be careful please. I lost mom and dad, I almost lost Elena and myself I cannot lose you too so just be careful alright?" I asked him crying which made him cry too. He hugged me before saying "Hey I won't die I promise, you wont loose me and I will be careful with the drugs and I will try to stop too it will take time but I will stop and thank you for understanding and being here for me, I love you little sis." Smiling through my tears I replied "I love you too big bro." Having siblings is amazing and I love it.

Hello Readers,

Here is another chapter. The coming chapter will be longer and more detailed. I will update the next part soon and thank you for you support and love. Keep commenting and voting. Thank you. Do give me ideas on who you want Thea to end up with;

Kol x Thea

Henrick x Thea

Klaus x Thea

Elijah x Thea

Stefan x Thea

or anyone else


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