Chapter 8

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"Well, you ignored me early in the morning and I asked Jenna what was happening and she told me your plans. Then I called Enzo and he said you were going to be here. So here I am." Jeremy replied with a smirk. Sheila came near the entrance and said "There is no use trying to send him. I tried everything except magic to kick him out. Yet he did not budge. So let him be and come inside. We have a lot to talk about sweety." Thea heaved a sigh and went inside. They all sat down and grams poured them some tea. "Jeremy, can you wait outside for a few moments? I will not harm your sister I promise." Sheila asked Jeremy. He reluctantly went to the next room. Sheila looked at Thea and said "It is a good thing he is here. Someone smart should be with you in your crazy plans and that is him. My first advice for you is to tell him about Althea Winters and the swapping of souls. Right now. Because if he does not understand that he won't be able to understand anything that will happen soon." Thea was in a dilemma whether Jeremy would accept her or not. But Sheila, being the stubborn witch she is, took Thea's arm and dragged her into the next room and threw her in it. "I spelled this room. Until you talk to him about it and you two don't fix it you aren't coming out," Sheila said and left the room.

"What is she talking about? And why did she drag you like a rag doll?" Jeremy asked, laughing. Thea rolled her eyes and replied "She did not drag me like a rag doll. She just dragged me here." Jeremy laughed even louder. Thea sat on the couch and patted the place next to her indicating Jeremy to sit. She sighed and looked at Jeremy, then started "Okay, so what I am going to say now is gonna sound absurd and crazy and you might even hate me but please don't and just hear me out, okay?" Jeremy nodded his head and held his sister's hands and replied "No matter how crazy it is, I will handle it and I will be here with you. I promise." Thea took a deep breath and said "I am not Thea Gilbert. I am Althea Winters. I come from a world where your lives are in the form of a show. The show's name is called The Vampire Diaries. However, in the show Thea Gilbert didn't exist. It was just you and Elena. I died in my world and when I woke up, I woke up as Thea Gilbert. I do not know how or why but it happened. Since I am Thea now I am trying to help everyone around me. Jeremy just know even though I am not your real sister and took over her body I mean no one any harm and I will always be there for you guys." By the time she said this Thea was crying hysterically.

Jeremy slowly hugged Thea until she stopped crying. He held her face, cleaned her tears and explained "I knew you were not my twin sister when you woke up in the hospital itself. I knew you were not her. I did not know who you were but you definitely weren't her. How do I know that? Believe it or not but Thea and I had a connection, like a twin telepathy. We always felt what the other person felt and were always thinking about similar things. When you woke up that day in the hospital the connection was weak, almost non-existent and I understood something was wrong. I never said anything because I still had you with me and that is all I ever want. To be honest you have been a better sister to me than Thea and Elena combined and I couldn't ask for more. I don't care if you are The Gilbert or Althea Winters. To me you are my crazy twin sister who does reckless things. That is all that matters to me."

Thea cried more and hugged Jeremy. The twins sat there for what felt like hours when Sheila came and took them inside. Sheila gave them the tea and said "It is not true that Althea is not your twin Jeremy." Thea and Jeremy look at her as if she was crazy. "Before you interrupt me, listen to me. Jeremy when Thea died you said the connection felt weak. It means the connection was weak but did not disappear, am I right?" Jeremy nodded and Sheila smiled and continued "There you go my child. Althea, you, and Thea are the same. Think of a person as a big circle. The god, nature or whoever you believe in created multiple universes and interlinked them. This universe is a show in your universe. The god then took the big circle of humans and split them into many small circles and dropped them in each universe. Some survived, some did not. The reason there was no Thea in your TVD is because her anchor was not present. So she died before she was born. But since you were present there and your anchor was not present in your universe Fate decided to let Thea exist for a little while and replace her with you. You're not taking anyone's place because you are Thea and Thea is Althea. Do you two understand?" Jeremy nodded his head smiling while Thea was looking at Sheila as if Sheila had two heads.

"That is crazy. Also, you said anchor, what happened to Thea or mine anchor in actual TVD?" Sheila sighed and replied "He died. Fates were not happy with his death so they intervened and changed a few things hence you exist too." Thea looking pissed asked "So my whole existence depends on being an idiot?" Sheila smirked and said "I didn't say that dear. Have you heard of soulmates? Think of it like that. Your soulmate was not present hence there was no use of your existence. Even if you lived you would have had a painful, long, lonely life. But due to fate's kindness your soulmate or anchor exists so you lived and were brought here." Jeremy in a daze said "Wow. That is so cool. Does that mean everyone has a soulmate?" Sheila looked at the young boy and replied "Yes Jeremy. Unfortunately, not everyone meets their soulmate and lives together. Only a lucky few. And your sister is among the lucky ones."

"Luck?! More like a headache. How am I supposed to know the anchor guy?" Thea sarcastically asked. "Don't worry dear. You might not identify him but he will and he will come for you. Now let's talk about your magic. You are siphoning and performing a few spells and you are getting nose bleeds?" Sheila explained and asked. Thea nodded her head. Sheila smiled knowingly and replied "That's because it is not your magic. Before you interrupt me, listen to it completely. Your ability to use your magic is from your anchor. He could have been a witch and since anchors share some qualities you are able to use it. You are not a witch but do magic because of this ability." Jeremy looked lost at Sheila's explanation but Thea understood who she was referring to.

"Oh my, look at the time. It is time for you to go and me to start drinking. So, leave. Also, Thea please look after my granddaughter, will you?" Sheila asked after making the two Gilberts leave her house. Thea stopped at the entrance of the door and asked "You know I could stop that right? I could help you." Sheila gently smiled at Thea and replied "I know dear, but some of us only stay on this planet till we are allowed. Staying for more time than that will cause destruction. Focus on the other innocent ones like Liz or Jenna or the mayor's wife. My time has come." Thea sighed and said "Okay grams I won't interfere but please start telling Bonnie the truth and teach Bonnie not to judge and be more selfish else she will have a lot to lose." Sheila smiled knowingly and replied "I will but I know you will be there." Thea smiled and got into her car. Jeremy and Thea left for the Gilberts house.

"Okay so what are you thinking about?" Jeremy asked Thea. Thea sighed and replied "nothing much. Just about Ne.." "New Orleans and Davina?" Before she could complete Jeremy interrupted her. Thea nodded her head. "Do not worry the coming week after the camp we will go to New Orleans. Caroline, Enzo, and I will be there to help you." "Hold up! Who said you and Care were coming?" Thea asked Jeremy, ridiculed by the idea. "Caroline and I, duh!" Jeremy replied sassily. "Oh, dear brother, your two are not coming." Thea answered back. "Really then good luck convincing Jenna and the others." The sass king replied. The Gilbert twins spent the rest of the ride bickering about the New Orleans trip.

Hello Readers,

Welcome back! Here is another chapter for you! Enjoy.

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Also please ignore any Grammar or Spelling errors.

I have also decided to go with Henrick as my main male lead. I thought about this a lot and that is why this chapter has been updated late. The main reason I wrote this book was for reading a book about Henry and the main lead. I apologize for all the Kol fans and others, but please do support.

Who do you think I should pair Jeremy with?

Tyler x Jeremy

Anna x Jeremy 

or an OC

Thank you,


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