Chapter 12

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"So, what exactly happened when you met the Mikaelson's?" Hayley asked Thea. Thea thought back to what happened after Henrick revealed he was her anchor.


"What the h*ll?" Thea yelled out loud. Elijah laughed at her reaction and left the room dragging Klaus's body along. "Ahh language angel, no foul language." Henrick said while smirking. Thea rolled her eyes and asked "How are you alive? You were supposed to be dead." Henrick rolled his eyes and sassily replied "Glad to know my anchor is happy to see me in front of her, however that is not important. I want to know how much you know about my family and I, so chipmunk do tell me how you know so much about The Mikaelson's." Thea gave a tight smile and stopped the spell which caused her to disappear. Henrick smirked at Thea's behaviour.

Thea looked back at Hayley sighed and dully replied "Disaster in process sweety." Hayley laughed at Thea's dramatics and once again asked "What exactly happened that is causing you to sigh like an old grandma?" "Hayley, I like you and I consider you as a friend but if you ever call me a grandma, I will push you into a well full of wolfsbane." Thea warned Hayley gloomily which caused Hayley to laugh even more and ask "Okay I will not call you an old lady anymore but what got you so moody and gloomy? Will you share it with your friend?" "I will definitely share it with you Hayley but not now, when I know what is going on and what I have to do, I will tell you." Thea replied a little confused. Hayley genuinely smiled at Thea and replied "I might not have known you for a long time but I do consider you as my sister so just know whenever you need to talk to someone, I am always here for you." Thea smiled at Hayley gratefully and stopped the car next to the apartment. Hayley got off and went inside.

Thea started driving towards Sheila Bennet's house. She barged into the house and enquired "Do you know anything about Henrick Mikaelson? Or that he is my anchor? Do you have a spell which makes people stop creeping into your life through magic?" Sheila laughed at her and replied "Why don't we hold Henrick's topic for later because I am sure you have other things to do before the day ends and you don't have enough time." Thea sighed tiredly and nodded her head "Where do I start though?" She asked confusedly. Sheila smiled at the confused savior and replied "Why don't you start with Marcel and Zach?" "Zach? As in Zach Salvatore?" Thea asked even confused. "Yes, Zach Salvatore. I met him at the camp and I noticed he will not live for long," Sheila paused at the look she received, she rolled her eyes and replied "My magic helps me sense how long people associated with the supernatural can live. I thought you were going to protect him but after I sensed his life length, I am confused."

"Did you sense Jenna's life length?" Thea asked Sheila figuring out what was going on. "I did in fact and it changed. I might not know the future but the past year whenever I met Jenna, I sensed her life length being short but now it is long, almost too long." "Too long? Do you think Jenna might turn into a vampire?" Thea asked, confused. "That's what I am confused about sweety. Sometimes it is long enough for a human and other times it's long like a vampire long. It didn't make sense but I didn't think too much about it as I know she is safe for now. Why did you suddenly ask about Jenna?" Sheila explained and asked, confused. "I think I know what caused the sudden change. Before I came here Jenna didn't know about the supernatural nor was there any one to protect these guys, that's the reason her life length was short but now she knows and I am here to protect her from the supernatural. Maybe that's why you sensed that change and maybe she will turn into a vampire? Now back to Zach Salvatore, I did not meet him yet. Maybe that's why when you sensed his life length it was short? But don't worry, I plan on changing that." Thea explained complicatedly. Sheila sighed and asked "That's a lot of maybe sweety but it does make sense. However I am worried about your determination to protect everyone here. You do know sometimes you might fail right? Sometimes no matter how much we try to protect people we end up losing them." Thea sighed and replied "I know but I am going to try everything I can. A few weeks ago, these people were nothing but fictional characters to me. I loved them and wanted to help them but I couldn't because they didn't exist. But now they do and I have the power to help them, make sure they don't die and I am not giving up on them." Sheila smiled at Thea's decisions and said "Okay then I will help you as much as I can. Now what was it you said about people creeping into your life?"

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