Chapter 9

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The next day Thea slept in. It took a lot of time for her to digest the topic of anchors and how she had one. She started guessing who it could've been, but she ended up with nothing. At eleven o'clock Thea went downstairs for breakfast. She saw the 4 "amazing chefs'' cooking or better attempting to make food. "What is going on here," Thea asked them. "Jeremy gave a brilliant smile and replied "We are cooking for our zombie sister. She has been in her room since morning and we thought it would be good for her to have some food before she goes into beast mode and showers her anger on the poor people of Mystic Falls." Jeremy's reply made everyone laugh, while Thea threw an object in her hand which happened to be her phone. As soon as Jeremy caught it the phone began ringing. He gave the phone back to Thea and resumed cooking. "Hello! Thea Gilbert speaking. Who is this?" Thea answered the call. "Hello Mam! This is Ryan Winters, the detective you hired to look for Hayley Marshall." As soon as Ryan said that Enzo went near Thea and put her phone on speaker. "Did you find Hayley Mr. Winter?" Thea asked him. "Yes mam, she is standing across from me holding a knife to my throat." This reply made everyone in the kitchen shocked except Thea. Thea knew what kind of girl Hayley was so she understood how to make Hayley an ally. "Let go of him Hayley or should I call you by your original name Andrea" Thea said. "What do you mean by my original name? How do you even know it? Who are you? Why are you searching for me?" Hayley bombarded with questions.

Thea heaved a sigh and replied "Hayley I am not your enemy nor I mean any harm to you. I am someone who wants to help you. Help you find your family mainly." Hayley laughed at Thea's reply and said "And you want me to believe you? No one helps someone for free. You want something and are trying to use me? How can I even trust you?" Thea stayed silent for a few minutes thinking about how to make Hayley believe her then she said "Trust me I am not doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I do need your help but in the future. You don't know who you are Hayley. I just want you as an ally. As for how you can trust me, what about the fact that you turn into a wolf once a month. I know how you triggered your curse too, Hayley. If that is still not enough then what about the tattoo on your back. I will help you get your family back Hayley or whatever is left of it." Hayley stayed silent for a few minutes. Thea sighed again and said "Look I understand how hard it is to trust someone in this situation. So take your time. Take my number from the detective and let him go, he won't bother you again. But if you want answers about your family I will help you just call me or ...." Thea was interrupted by what Hayley asked "Where can I find you? I want to know more about my family and I will do anything to help you. So where can I find you?" "Mystic falls! Come to mystic falls and I will help you! I will give you a namesake family till you find your true family. I will reunite you with them I promise." "Okay Thank you!" Hayley replied and cut the call.

Everyone in the kitchen were silent for sometime when Care asked "Who will be her namesake family?" Looking at Thea's expression Enzo sighed and said "Me! I will be her namesake family," he then turned to Thea and sarcastically asked her "Am I her uncle? Older brother or what?" Thea smirked and replied "Older brother sounds amazing actually." The rest laughed and sat down for lunch in Thea's case Breakfast. While eating Thea got a message from an unknown number:

Unknown Number: Hey, this is Hayley. I am starting on my journey to Mystic Falls in a few hours. I will reach Mystic Falls tomorrow around seven in the evening. Can you pick me up?

Thea saved Hayley's number and replied,

Thea: Of course I will be there to pick you up. I will be there with your name sake brother. Happy journey!

Hayley smiled at the reply. She knew she shouldn't trust a random stranger even though she is desperate to meet her family. She also noticed how Thea said 'whatever is left', so she understood she should get a whole explanation. The logical part of her brain said what she was doing was stupid, crazy and risky. But her gut and emotional part was telling her this is right. So she accepted Thea's help.

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