Chapter 3

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Thea's POV:

Text messages would be presented like a conversation.

After I calmed down Jenna, I made dinner and we all sat to eat, surprisingly Jeremy came downstairs and joined us, which I take as a win. After dinner I spent two hours creating a back story, cover story or whatever you want to call it along with documents for Enzo and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up and saw my phone vibrating. I saw messages from Caroline and Enzo. I thought this was a good time to start my plan about Liz's check-up, so I opened Caroline's messages.

C: Hey bestie! What's up? Are you okay? What are your plans today?

T: Good Morning care-bear! Nothing much just woke up, how are you? And yes, I am okay I am still working on it and as for plans nothing much just thought of looking a few things up. BTW are you free today?

C: I am great being a sunshine as usual. Glad to hear that and just know I am always here for you. What things r u trying to look up and yes, I am free to spend my time with my bff.

T: I was just thinking about a programme. My dad and I talked about it before but due to everything we did not have a chance to implement or talk to Liz about it and I was wondering if you could help me with that?

C: Of course, I will help you what is it you need my help with and I will tell mom about it today and you can come over and talk about it, how does sound?

T: Perfect I will also be bringing Jenna along as we are going to be needing a lot of help. How about 4'o clock today? Does that work?

C: Awesome! Jenna is perfect and 4'o clock is perfect, ill see u then Thea! Love you!

T: Thanks care-bear! Love you too!

Everything is going perfect so far, I will take Jenna with me and tell Liz about how dad warned the people in Mystic falls to have a mini check up by his medical students and all that and they will agree. Due to this we can figure out about Liz and get more things done. After thinking through what I will say I opened Enzo's chat.

E: Hello beautiful, Good Morning!

T: Hello Enzo! Good morning to you too! How did you sleep and how are you settling in? Is everything okay or do you need anything?

E: I slept good darling, it feels new to have my freedom back but it is nice and I love it. Thank you for this darling. I am alright and how are you?

T: I am good too Enzo, thank you for asking. Your freedom will not be going anywhere so just enjoy. Also, we must get you settled in Mystic Falls, how do you feel about becoming the new English teacher in Mystic Falls high?

E: Thank you for everything Thea. I like the idea of me being the new English Teacher and everything but first I would like my revenge. So, what are you planning for that and what is your plan for today darling?

T: You will get your revenge. I will send you the file of the people involved with Augustine and you can kill them over the summer. So, since you are okay with the teacher post how about you introduce yourself to the town at an upcoming event and apply for a teachers post?

E: That is a wonderful idea love! I will apply for the teachers post today and start cleaning up with the Augustine and when you tell me when the next town event is I will introduce myself, how does that sound?

T: Great! I am sending you the needed Augustine information and all the details for you applying in MFHS. Your backstory is your parents died a few years ago and you wanted to start new but waited till you were done with your studies. Now you applied to MFHS for a fresh start. Alright?

E: Perfect angel! If you need anything call me alright? Bye

T: Bye Enzo! Have a great day!

After my chat with Enzo, I sent him both the folders and got ready for the day. I went downstair to make breakfast, after a few minutes I saw aunt Jenna come in and tried to think of how to tell her about the plan, so I asked her "Hey aunt Jenna are you free today, around four o'clock?" She gave me a smile and said "Yeah, I am? Is everything alright? Do you need anything?" "I am fine aunt Jenna, nothing happened to me. This is about something dad wanted. Dad and I have been planning this since a long time and we wanted to do this over the summer but seeing as what happened, I thought maybe I could still do it now but as a remembrance of him." Jenna looked a bit sad but still said "Absolutely Thea. I love it and I think people will love it too. I will also talk to Jeremy and Elena about this. What is it about?"

Before I could reply I heard two voices say "There is no need to ask. We love the idea and we are totally on board with it." Jenna and I turned to the entrance to see Elena and Jeremy there, Elena continued to say "I think it would be nice like a closure we need but also know what they did and everything you know...." "Like a thank you or saying we are grateful for everything and love you. Like a goodbye. Even though we have not come to terms with whatever happened we are still trying to. This is not for Mystic Falls or others; this is for them and us" I said out loud and for Liz I thought. The wo Gilberts and Sommers turned to me and asked "So what is the plan? And how can we help?" I gave them a bright smile and replied "Dad and I thought about arranging a mini doctors camp here in Mystic Falls for like two weeks. Every single resident of Mystic Falls gets here and get an overall check up of their health. It includes disease detections, preventions, what stages said diseases are in and cure and everything. There are two profits of this one we can know what is going on with our selves and take care. Two, dads' students will get better practice, or that is what dad used to say."

Elena came and hugged me proudly and said "I love it and I know dad will love it too. So, let's do this. Did you think about how to do this and all?" I laughed at her happiness and replied "I actually texted Caroline regarding this in the morning and I was wondering if aunt Jenna will be coming with me to meet Liz at 4 o'clock today and you guys can come to if you want." "Absolutely and we will all be there. I will personally text Liz about this and Carol it will also do them some good so they will be interested." Aunt Jenna replied. After that conversation we sat to eat breakfast and made plans about how and where to do this. All while I thought about how this will be helping Liz and Enzo.

Hello Readers,

I am so sorry for the late updates. I had my midterm exams and projects going on so I could not post early but here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. If there are any Grammatical or any error please ignore it. I also got responds about who to ship Thea with. It was Henry or Kol so I am still deciding on who. If I make it Kol, I would not be killing him in season 4 that is for sure. 

Also let me know if you like the text conversation. Like how it is in that manner cuz i am planning on changing it to that way for all normal conversations too.

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