Chapter 10

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Light use of swear words, so be warned. I will put the stars (**) before and after the scenes.

As soon as the three of us entered the house we saw everyone sitting there with Bonnie. I was kind of surprised with Gram and Bonnie's presence there but didn't think too much about it. We went to the dining table and sat down. Hayley introduced herself to the rest of the family and dinner started. "So Hayley what are you doing currently?" Liz asked her. "I am actually going to be a senior in high school this year." Hayley replied. "That's great! When are you going to enroll?" Liz enquired further. I could feel a kind of tense atmosphere starting around and I noticed even Care did. "Mom, why are you interrogating Hayley?" Care asked. Liz smiled overly sweet and replied "It is not an interrogation Caroline. I am curious about Hayley. Along with the fact that her and her brother came from two different places and they have different accents and even look different. There are no similarities between them." Enzo smiled even sweetly and replied "Well Ms. Forbes my mom was British and I used to live with my grandparents since I was closer to her than my mom and that is why I have an accent. Hayley and Davina grew up in the US with my parents and Aunt and Uncle. Hence the differences. I look like my dad, Hayley looks like our grandma and Davina looks like our mom. No one of us three siblings look similar," he paused for a while allowing Liz to think and then asked "Is that enough for you, or do you need more?"

Liz tightly smiled and answered "Of course that is enough Enzo, Thank you!" Seeing Liz's behavior Caroline apologized but we all knew Liz wasn't going to stop here. "Excuse me, I will get us some drinks from the garage, non alcoholic." I said after Jenna gave me a look to which all laughed. I went into the garage and texted the private detective to make all this fake information in case Liz tries to look into Hayley and Enzo's background. Imagine that the detective will still work for them when they text him but won't remember anything. I got a reply from him in seconds saying he will. "Enzo, I texted the detective about creating yours, Hayley's and Davina's fake information so remember to pay him." I told him quietly while getting the cans out. I turned around when I heard the garage door open and smiled at Liz. "Hey Liz, do you need anything?" I asked her. "Nope you were taking so long and I thought I could help you." She answered smiling. I smiled in return and said "Yeah, these cans were at the bottom of the fridge and I couldn't reach till there so it was taking time." "Well that is one trouble of having these fridges," she replied laughing. I looked at her and asked her "Are you okay, Liz?" She looked at me for a few minutes before saying "Yeah I am. I am just surprised with how fast you became friends with the new guy." I gave Liz a look as I didn't understand what she was saying. "I don't understand what you are saying Liz." Liz sighed and continued "Sweety, Thea, I know your parents died. I know you feel lonely but getting into a relationship with a guy twice as old as you is not the correct thing to do honey." I took a step back and said "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Ewe Liz! What the hell are you saying! Oh My God! Are you serious?" I took a deep breath and replied "Liz I DO NOT have any romantic feelings for Enzo, AT ALL! He is my friend and yes we did bond over the fact that both of our parents are dead and we are officially orphans right now but seriously there is nothing going on between me and Enzo! He is just as much as a brother to me as Jeremy and I am just as much as a sister to him as Davina and Hayley."

Liz looked extremely pleased by my explanation. She sighed and replied "Oh thank god! I always saw you two together and Caroline always said you went to his house, so I got scared. Thank you sweetie and I am so sorry for assuming things." I smiled at her apology and replied "It's okay Liz I forgive you. And it's completely fine because you were trying to protect me and are taking care of me. Thank you for that!" Liz smiled and replied "of course I will, you might not be my daughter but you are the same to me as Caroline is and thank you for being there for her even when I am not." "I will always be there for Care Liz." I assured her. "What is taking so long? Are you guys making soda or just carrying it here?" We heard Jeremy yell. We both carried the soda bottles and put them on the table. "We were busy talking about you and here is your soda." I said, giving Jeremy his soda. He rolled his eyes and took the soda. We spent the rest of the dinner talking about the camp taking place tomorrow and what everyone was doing.

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