Chapter 7

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The next day I got up and thought about what I should do that day while getting ready. Since Jenna, Caroline and Jeremy know about the supernatural world, they have been excited to help me with things. I told Caroline to pay close attention to Liz and make sure she gets checked during the medical camp to which she agreed. Around 7 am I got ready and went downstairs to make breakfast. Elena and Jeremy were still sleeping and Jenna was helping me cook when she asked me "What are your regular and supernatural plans for today?" I laughed at her question and answered "First I have to build my mini garden which contains all important supernatural herbs and flowers. Then I have to find a human and help him find his real home. Thirdly I have to meet Bonnie's grams and tell her about my situation and ask her for help for another person. But I am not sure about how that will go. Lastly, I have to make a plan for New Orleans." Jenna looked shocked and said "You have to go to New Orleans? And why are you worried about Sheila Bennet?" I smiled at her worried expression and replied "Yes. I have to go to New Orleans to help a few people and bring Davina back. Do you remember her? Also regarding Sheila, I am a different type of witch than she is. And in the witch community witches like me are called siphoners and are treated as abominations so I am worried about how she would be helping me, but let's be positive about it." Before Jenna can say anything we hear two voices ask "Stay positive about what?"

Jenna and I turn around and see Elena and Jeremy standing in the hallway. "The camp! We were talking about the camp and were saying how we should be positive about it and not think of anything else." Elena gave a warm smile and went to the dining table while Jeremy looked suspicious. I signaled him I would tell him about it later and turned around. "Don't worry guys. The preparations for the medical camp are going great and we are all working on it so nothing bad would happen. " Elena tools us. "Well Elena I have been kind of MIA (missing in action) with the whole camp work. So, can you tell me about what is going on?" Jenna asked Elena before she could notice something. Elena brightly smiled and replied "Of course! Many experienced Doctors, dads friends and a few interns have participated. Currently they are gathering the equipment while Liz and I are making arrangements for setting up the camp in the town square." "That's great Elena. Seems like you are taking good care of it without any of our help. Your dad would be so proud of you all." Jenna replied happily. "And it looks like we might be getting a new doctor in our house soon." Jeremy joked. I laughed at the coincidence of what he said. Even though I explained to Jeremy, Jenna and Caroline about what will happen in the future I didn't tell them what they will be doing in the future. We spent the rest of breakfast talking about the camp then went on with our days.

I went up to my room and started arranging my garden. I planted the most obvious ones around the balcony and the least common ones in the middle. I spent three hours working on the garden; building and arranging the plants. After garden work was done. I cleaned up the mess I made and went to clean myself. I went down, made lunch for everyone, ate mine and went to Enzo's house after leaving Jenna and Jeremy a note. I knocked on Enzo's house door and as soon as he opened it I fell on the ground laughing clutching onto my stomach. "Yeah, yeah I get it. I look hideous and funny. Now stop laughing." With extreme difficulty I stopped laughing, stood up and asked Enzo "What in the world made you wear that?" Enzo looked down at his apron and said "This was the only one I could find." I looked at The Enzo wearing a grinch apron and started laughing again while going inside.

After the whole apron fiasco Enzo asked me "So ready to find the to be vampire?" I smiled at him and replied "Yes, I am completely ready." "Okay so before we start the whole process what are you going to do when you find him?" Enzo asked me quizzically. "Well currently he is unhappy with his life that I know. ALso he would be a vampire soon with Marcel. Maybe I shouldn't do this. What if I am doing worse than good. I mean I will make sure he doesn't die but If I find him now and make him a vampire I would be ruining his life. I don't understand Enzo." I thought and sat down dejected. Enzo sat next to me and hugged me. We stayed like that for a few minutes when he suggested "Okay don't turn him into a vampire or tell him the truth. Leet his life continue like it was. Can you see where he is now and put a protection charm on him or something? You said he is unhappy right now right? Do something that would help him but won't change his life completely. How about that?" I stared at Enzo for some time and said "Wow! You might not look like it but you definitely are smart. Wow." Rolling his eyes at me like a drama queen he replied "Yeah yeah and she is back. Now come on lets stalk him." Giving Enzo a look I replied "We are not stalking him. We are keeping an eye on him and protecting him."

I arranged everything for a soul transportation and siphoned some magic from Enzo. I thought of Josh and traveled to where he is. I observed him for a good four hours and made a protection spell and put it on him. The spell wpu;d not only protect him from the supernatural but also normal humans who might want to hurt or bully him. It won't make the bullies stop bullying but they won't be focusing much on josh. After that I traveled back and opened my eyes. I looked at Enzo who looked worried and was yelling at me. I broke the salt ring around me and asked him "What happened, are you hurt? Did I siphon too much? Are you okay?" He looked at me as if I was crazy and said "Me? Hurt? Look at you! You crazy girl! Your nose has been bleeding since the last 37 minutes. What were you thinking you could've died?" "Bleeding ?" I questioned and checked my face. I saw a trail of blood and thought this was not supposed to happen. I am not a normal witch but a siphoner so why is this happening! I looked at Enzo and replied "I don't know why this happened as it was not supposed to happen. I am not a normal witch who will get tired easily if I performed hard spells. I mean I am a siphoner."

Enzo thought about it for a few seconds and asked " Do you know anyone who could help you with this situation?" Nodding my head I replied "Yeah Sheila Bennet. I will go meet her right now. Enzo I will text you after I reach home okay? Bye," and hurriedly left the house. I drove to Sheila Bennet's house. I parked my car, got down and walked towards her house and knocked. I was surprised with who opened the door and asked "What are you doing here?"

Hello Readers,

I am back. Here is another update. Next chapters will be uploaded soon so please wait.

Thank you for waiting, voting and commenting on this book. It means a lot to me. And please continue doing that.

Also any guesses who Thea saw in Sheila's house?

This was the apron Enzo was wearing.

About who will end up with Thea, I am still thinking about it

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About who will end up with Thea, I am still thinking about it. However, I have decided that it will either be Kol or Henrick. Also I want to specify that I am not making Elena and Thea against each other in this book.  

Thank you.

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