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I answered my phone and tried to explain to him but I was cut off with "Are you out of your mind?" by a confused, angry Enzo "Well if you let me talk, I will explain," he huffed and enquired about Davina "Who is this sister of mine that I have never met? How is she going to come with me to Mystic Falls and mainly why am I going to New Orleans next week?" taking a deep breath I started "Davina is young witch from New Orleans. Her coven is sacrificing her and some of her friends to gain more power, they will be brought back from the dead but it's still wrong, so I am trying to help her and to do that I need your help. So next week we will be saving two witches and will be trying to find a wolf, will you help me?" I asked him a bit hesitantly. "of course, I will help you angel. I don't want anything happening to the little girl, but you said two witches who is the other one and what wolf?" he once again asked me "oh just a witch waiting to be united with her family and a wolf looking for her dead family who she doesn't know is dead" I told him quietly. "WHAT?" he exclaimed. "Yeah, it's a long story I will tell you about it tomorrow when I come to your house?" "Not that I don't want you to come or anything but why exactly?" he wondered. I smiled to myself and replied "To talk to devil brothers" and cut the call without any other information and went to sleep.

The next morning, I showered got dressed and went to meet Enzo at his house. I took things with me that allows me to astral project or kind of talk to someone who is in a different place (kind of like how hope saw Klaus killing someone when she was young when he was killing someone). As soon as I got there Enzo started bombarding me with questions, "Who are the devil brothers and why are you trying to talk to them? Are you crazy? Actually, don't answer that you are," offended at the last statement he made I threw my bag at him and started explaining "They are not actually the devil brothers okay just separated cuz they are annoyed with each other," looking at me as if I am crazy, he asked "okay then what? You talk to these brothers and what? And why are you talking to these brothers? Who even are they? You said devil brothers, are they dangerous? DO I have to Kill them?" worried I yelled "NO!" he looked shocked so I pat the spot next to me indicating him to sit so I can explain everything, or some of everything, to him.

"The devil brothers are vampires, original vampires. They are Klaus and Elijah and they cannot be killed, like literally. They are the first ever vampires to ever exist and every single vampire are related to their bloodline. If one of them dies every vampire they ever sired, and the vampires sired to the other vampires die too leading to the death of the entire vampire race, so we are not killing them, we are going to help them and make them our allies." Enzo looked a bit shocked and that is understandable, it is a lot of information to take all at once. I gave him time to absorb the information and after a few minutes he started helping me with the process, arranging the place so I can talk to Klaus and Elijah.

I drew a circle around me with salt and lit candle at each direction. I siphoned the magic from Enzo and thought of the original not yet puppy with fangs Mikaelson talking to his witches but as soon as he saw me, he threw a vase in my direction and it flew right though me. "Woah Klaus relax, I am not here to harm you and I can't be harmed I am just here to talk to you," he looked at me as if I was crazy and said "Why would I ever believe a stranger who came out of nowhere and started talking absolute rubbish?" "Hmm nice point didn't think about that or how to convince you that I mean no harm but I will try. I am Natasha Montgomery. I am a witch and I can kind of see the future and I saw yours, its not rally bright at some points, so I came to help. For you to trust me you can ask anything you want. And actually mean what I said, I mean you nor you family and friends any harm." He laughed "Oh dear, you expect me to believe all this nonsense," he continued laughing till I made his witches fall asleep and said "how about I tell you how you killed your mother because you were angry at her and how you lied to Rebekah about it cuz you were afraid she would abandon you too, will you believe me then?" He looked MAD, like kill me right now or end the world Mad. Even though I was scared at that point I kept a straight face and moved out of the way when he threw a fricking dining table at me, a fricking dining table, who does that? Oh yeah, The Klaus Mikaelson. "You a**hole! What is wrong with you? I am trying to help you and you want to be an ass? Fine you know what screw you I am leaving and when you do die in the future I will dance on your grave!" I shouted and left the projection.

As soon as I came back, I heard Enzo demand "What happened? Did he listen to you? What did you two talks about?" glaring at him I replied "calm down Enzo nothing happened except him proving that he Is an a**hole." Enzo looked confused and asked me again what happened and holding on to the tiny bit of patience I have I explained everything to him and he laughed, he fricking laughed. Annoyed at him laughing at me I threw a candle at him and asked "Why is every single person laughing at me today? Ugh I hate people why am I even trying to help you guys? Idiots." After my oh peaceful rant Enzo controlled his laughing and questioned "Okay what do we do now?" I started arranging the place again and replied "I talk to the sensible and at least calm brother." Giving a sigh he gave me his hand to siphon and I started thinking about the original Mikaelson in a suit. "Well, hello there!" I heard him even before I opened my eyes. Turning around I found the amazing Danielle Gilles as Elijah Mikaelson even though I am having a fan moment inside I appeared professional on the outside and questioned him "Did you know I was coming?" he gave me a smile and nodded his head "How?" I questioned once again. "You visited Klaus, yelled at him and left so I thought I would be getting a visit from you too." I was utterly surprised by this and asked again "How? I just visited him and yes, I yelled at him, he threw a fricking table at me, like what is wrong with your brother and who told you that? You and Klaus are not on speaking terms and I made everyone else in that room fall asleep?" He laughed at my confused face and said "Not everyone Ms. Montgomery." Damn my idiot self. I did not look around the room when I was talking with Klaus but who might it be. I looked at Elijah and saw him finding this whole situation amusing as he was smirking at me, rolling my eyes I asked him "Are you at least ready to listen and make a deal are you gonna keep throwing things too?" he laughed out loud and said "lets talk."

I took a deep breath and started "Since you already know my name from some source or something and not me, I will introduce myself. I am Natasha Montgomery. A witch who can see the future and I saw yours, your idiot brothers, and the rest of your family's future and it is not good, so I want to help. And all I want in return is just an alliance. And to prove myself that I am not lying to you I will tell you about something from your past that only you know and have been carrying the guilt with you or I think you are......" he nodded his head indicating me to continue and I told him "Aurora. The first time you got to know about compulsion. You compelled Aurora, Lucien, and Tristan to be you, Rebekah, and Klaus but you also compelled her to believe something else remember. I am not blackmailing you; I just want you to know that I want to help you and want you guys to believe me." I explained to him. He stayed silent for a few minutes before talking. "I trust you Ms.Montgomery. What do you want to help my family with?" I looked at him debating if I should tell him about Elena and decided not yet so I said "Your brother lied to you. Rebekah, Kol, and Finn's coffins aren't scattered in the ocean. They are with Klaus. He lied to you about them to get you off his back. I want you two to fix you bond, relationship or whatever it is cuz if you don't people will take advantage of it. After that I will visit you again and tell you the location of Your father so you can get rid of him for good. Bye Elijah" Saying that I left him.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Enzo looking at me with curiosity and I told him everything that happened. "Well, this went better than the first conversation, huh? Who told Elijah about what happened with Klaus?" he asked me. I sighed and replied "That is what I don't understand who might have done that and why didn't I look at the room, ugh stupid me!" Laughing at me Enzo said "Well the last part of it is true..." when I glared at him, he stopped laughing and asked me "What are going to do now angel?" Smiling I said "First we are going to hire a detective to look for Hayley and today I am going to tell a few people about the supernatural world.





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