Chapter 5 🌻

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[Name] and Midoriya were wheeled out to the nurses' office by robots, both unconscious. [Name] was less injured yet his unconscious self looked distressed, and Midoriya had his fists clenched, his body clearly in pain.




"The school year has just begun, and he's been here three times already! Why didn't you stop the fight when another student got caught in the crossfire as well? All Might!" Recovery Girl scolded the top hero, who was in his normal form. His clothes that fit his hero self were now all baggy.

In the two hospital beds, Midoriya lay with many bandages while [Name] just had bandages around the head. "I'm sorry, Recovery Girl," All Might apologised, but that seemed to make the old woman more frustrated.

"What are you apologising to me for? Midoriya was here just yesterday, and now Tsuyuri. Jeez, I know he's your favourite since you passed on your powers to him, but you can't spoil him!" Recovery Girl huffed, spinning back round in her chair.


Both All Might and Recovery Girl froze, turning to look at [Name] sat up in bed with a shocked and confused expression. "Oh, dear." Recovery Girl shook her head and headed towards [Name] and began checking his bandages to see if they needed to be replaced.

"A-Ah, Tsuyuri-Shonen I didn't see you wake up. How are you?" All Might stuttered, hoping somehow [Name] didn't hear that conversation, yet it showed on [Name]'s face that he knew.

[Name] looked towards Midoriya before looking back to All Might, the metaphorical cogs in his brain working on overdrive to process the information that he accidentally overheard. "L-Let me explain, but you have to promise you won't say a word," All Might ordered, and [Name] reached into his pocket.

Suddenly, something clicked in [Name]'s brain, and he began furiously rummaging through his pockets, panicking even more when he couldn't find what he was searching for.

"Hm, what have you lost?" Recovery Girl asked to which [Name] got even more panicked before rushing out of the room, much to both heroes' shock. "Wait! You're still too injured to be up and running!" Recovery Girl shouted, but [Name] didn't listen.

[Name] ran all the way back to the building he was in and ran to the fourth floor, beginning to dig his way desperately through the rubble, searching for any sign of the round copper he loved and treasured so much. How careless of him to lose it. He'd need to upgrade his costume to have at least one pocket with a zip or at least an inside pocket, but now wasn't the time to worry about his hero costume. He needed to find the coin.

He spent mere minutes digging, but each second felt like an eternity as [Name]'s fingers and clothes got more dirty and his skin more cracked the more he dug as blood seeped from his fingers and his head. Blood mixed with tears as he dug, refusing to give up, determined to find it. Yet after a while, he had pulled all the rubble away, yet no coin was to be found.

[Name] kept searching, even on different floors and outside the building

"Oi Tsuyuri," a voice called out, and [Name] turned to see Aizawa standing with his hands in his pockets. "You aren't allowed to be here since you don't have a class here right now. What are you doing?"

Aizawa stood firm he was a teacher after all and his student was technically 'breaking the rules'. "Plus you're injured. You haven't noticed your bandages need changing. And all the dirt and dust you're chucking into the air could get infected. That old woman didn't give you permission to leave, did she?"

[Name] didn't answer and continued digging even when his fingers began to bleed and dirt got under his nails [Name] didn't care. His head was throbbing in pain. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered aside from the coin.

[Name] felt a hand try to pull him back by his cape, but [Name] whirled around ready to attack, but Aizawa's glowing red eyes and hair disobeying gravity stopped him.

Aizawa was quite surprised. It was the first time he saw his student show so much emotion, as his thoughts on [Name] were that he was quite emotionless, but the rage in his eyes when Aizawa tried to pull him away scared him more than any villain had ever done.

"Come now, or else you'll be going to see Principle Nezu." Aizawa ordered blinking once he saw [Name] in a clearer frame of mind. [Name] followed silent and gloomy through the whole walk back, Aizawa told [Name] to get changed and get his stuff before leaving school premises while also threatening him that he had one strike for breaking the rules.

As he walked back into the classroom, he was approached by a group of his classmates who wanted to introduce themselves and ask questions about the battle, but [Name] pushed through them, grabbed his bag, and exited just as silently as he entered. As the class looked on in confusion, they all knew [Name] was quiet, but he always pulled out his signature coin and sometimes he would answer or at least look at them, not just push past and ignore them.

[Name] walked quickly past Bakugo, who was also walking home, not even bothering to take a look at him, yet [Name] knew he was devastated by the outcome of the battle. After a few minutes of walking, he was grabbed by the shoulder and [Name] whirled round to see Midoriya out of breath. He had clearly run all the way to get to him.

"T-Tsuyuri! Y-You're really fast Uraraka was right. H-Here!" Midoriya panted as he grabbed [Name]'s hand and placed his beloved copper coin, [Name] looked up at him in shock. "I-I saw how much it meant to you and before I fell unconscious and it became crushed under the rubble, I grabbed it and didn't let go."

"H-How..." [Name] was about to speak but shut himself up quickly, holding the coin to his chest tightly. Midoriya was slightly shocked as this was the first time he heard [Name] speak on his own, aside from when he was panicking before he passed out. [Name] bowed at a 90° angle before turning round and beginning to walk home.

'Kanae, I won't ever lose it again'

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