Chapter 25 ✼

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"This is going to kill me!" Zenko screamed as she continued doing push ups with Makio seated on her back, hitting her on the head every time she stopped.

"Keep... going! Zenko!" Sumiko encouraged, as Suma smiled at her determination.

"I will beat all of you!" Inoko challenged, as Hinatsuru chuckled slightly.

"Y-you might have to keep an eye on Tsuyuri," Sumiko's sweat dropped at the male who was currently doing push ups in a weighted vest while Uzui hit him with a bokuto to speed him up.

"Tsuyuri, you slowed down by 0.8 seconds. That's a hundred more and a heavier weight!" Uzui hit him again and inserted another weight into the vest as the three girls in the back looked at the scene in fear.

This continued for a while until Suma announced joyfully that it was time for lunch, at which point the three girls collapsed onto the ground as [Name] took off the vest with one last hit from Uzui. "Come on, get up or none of you are eating," Uzui's voice made the three girls stand up in exhaustion and trail after as Zenko clung onto [Name] in exhaustion.

During the meal that had been prepared, [Name] was messaging Uraraka to respond to her question about how he was doing in the internships. Some of his other classmates messaged him, but some of them [Name] ignored.

After the meal, it was straight back to training, despite Zenko attempting to run away, claiming 'the training is more brutal than Gramps' training'. Uzui caught up to her quite quickly and dragged her back by her haori despite her protests.

This time the training was running and Inoko had a race with [Name], in which the latter wasn't even aware of yet still won. "T-Tsuyuri, you're amazing!" Sumiko complimented [Name], who simply nodded. "But... about the scars that were seen during the sports festival..."

"Past." That was all [Name] said with a tight smile before running ahead of Sumiko to avoid any more conversations.




After a lot of hellish training, the four were now on a train to head to Kanroji for further training. Since it was night time, Nezuo was out of his box and was sat in-between [Name] and Sumiko, with Zenko and Inoko on the other side.

Suddenly, a monster with its brain exposed, one [Name] knew very well, crashed into the train as passengers screamed. [Name] quickly leapt up, sword in hand, already drawn.

"Third Form: Camellia Ascension"

The nomu began to regenerate, but before it could attack, [Name] tackled it out of the train. "Tsuyuri!" The three yelled before running after him.

Some civilians screamed at the nomu suddenly crashing near them, and a young student fighting it with a katana, and more showing up not long after.

"Please evacuate immediately, this creature is dangerous!" Sumiko ordered as the civilians nodded and rushed away.

"Seventh Form: Circle of Life"

[Name] performed several moves until the nomu exploded into flowers and stopped moving as [Name] huffed before his phone beeped. Looking at it, all he saw was Midoriya's location, which was on the opposite side of Hosu.

"Sumiko, Zenko, Inoko, evacuate the civilians and defend them!" [Name] ordered before rushing off. Thankfully, due to Kanroji saying the first thing was a patrol, the four were still in their uniforms.

[Name] jumped and ran across buildings as he watched his location get closer and closer to Midoriya's. Quickly, he arrived to see a male just about to lick Todoroki's bleeding cheek before a kunai flying towards him made the villain jump back before a sword clashed with his as a kick to the stomach sent him flying back as asagaos landed in Midoriya's hair. "T-Those flowers... Tsuyuri!"

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