My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising Pt 3

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Jumping out from behind Bakugo and slicing at the villain [Name]'s attack was blocked by a forcefield. "You damn villain!" Bakugo shouted and charged at the villain. [Name] ran over to Midoriya to check on his condition as the two children were behind Midoriya.

Suddenly, a loud thud hit the ground, and [Name] was disappointed to see it wasn't the villain. "Bakugo!" [Name] ran up to him and attempted to keep him lying still, but Bakugo shoved him away harshly.

"Get away from me, I'm going to defeat this villain myself!" Bakugo huffed as he stood up.

"Be careful, Kacchan, Tsuyuri... This villain has multiple quirks." Midoriya warned as [Name] drew his katana before charging at the villain.

"Third Form: Camellia Ascension!"

[Name] sent a barrage of powerful upward slashes but was blocked again as lasers were fired at him and [Name] swiftly dodged. "How are you quirkless?" The villain asked as his eyes changed to a bright yellow hue. [Name] glared at him and attacked again, but he was blocked once more. Bakugo shot past [Name] and almost got a hit in before a blue dragon shot out of the villain's back and slammed Bakugo to the ground, pinning him in place. However, Bakugo, ever so determined, released a massive explosion.

[Name] and Midoriya jumped out of the smoke, both preparing an attack as [Name] noticed the slight change in the weather. "Watch out!" He threw himself back as Midoriya and Bakugo were too slow and got hit by the attack. Midoriya and Bakugo were knocked down as [Name] stood in a stance in front of the two children. "Now then, quirkless hero, get out of my way."

Bakugo and Midoriya gripped onto the villain's leg to try and stop him, but both were blasted back unconscious. However, the villain suddenly stopped and clutched himself, seemingly in pain.

Another villain jumped down from above, landing next to the villain. "Nine! Deep breaths." She ordered as said villain Nine pointed at the boy behind [Name] while muttering something.

The woman's hair sharpened as [Name] prepared to unleash an attack before a murder of crows surrounded the two villains as [Name] dived in to the group and managed to get a slice against Nine's shoulder at the cost of landing harshly against the ground and hitting his head as he was picked up by Shoji and the group ran away.

The last thing [Name] heard before falling unconscious was a gunshot.

Eyes snapping open as he gripped someone's wrist tightly. Seeing it to be Todoroki [Name], let go. "Are you alright? If so, then be prepared to fight." Todoroki said this as [Name] noticed the concern in Todoroki's eyes.

"I can fight; what kind of Hashira would I be if I couldn't." [Name] smiled slightly as Todoroki looked at him funny. "Plus, that villain has been injected with the strongest poison I currently have on me."

After Shinobu's death, [Name] lost a lot of poison due to not being able to find out how to make it.

[Name] wished he'd asked Shinobu to teach him how to make the quirk cancellation poison so he could temporarily stop Nine's quirks, but there was no record on how to create it. Shinobu never wrote it down, maybe in case a villain discovered it.

Todoroki's eyes lit up at the information as he rushed to go tell the others. [Name] felt the bandages on his head and torso as [Name] buttoned up his uniform but kept his haori folded up.

He didn't want to damage one of the things remaining by Shinobu and Kanae. [Name] entered the meeting room as his classmates began to explain the plan.

"[Name], when does that poison take effect?" Uraraka whispered to him as [Name] looked up from the map.

"It varies, but I'll tell you as soon as I notice the first sign," [Name] returned to listening in on the plan.




[Name] stood on lookout with Shoji as he squinted his eyes and saw three figures approaching. "It's the villains," Shoji confirmed. [Name] hoped for Yaoyorozu and Aoyama's success in separating the villains.

"Yaoyorozu and Aoyama have succeeded in separating the villains," Shoji said as [Name] sighed in relief but knew it wasn't over.

Now that only Nine remained, it was now Sero's, Mineta's, and Uraraka's turn. [Name] watched the shower of debris and hoped the two wouldn't be badly harmed.

[Name] witnessed the mudslide of boulders and was itching to run in there and fight with his other classmates but knew he had to hold back. If worst comes to worst, [Name] is the fastest in the class and would run away with the two children until the pros arrive.

A loud explosion was heard as [Name] clenched his fists as Nine escaped from the trap he was put in and continued his attack. It seemed nothing Uraraka, Sero, and Mineta did would stop him; it hardly slowed him down.

[Name] looked towards the two children nervously as a hand on his shoulder made him turn to Midoriya, who had a determined look on his face. "Don't worry, Tsuyuri. We'll. Stop him."

[Name] nodded and returned his gaze, watching Nine continue his pursuit. Bakugo began his attack on Nine, and [Name] looked on in shock as Midoriya jumped over the railing as well.

"Promise me that you'll keep them safe, Tsuyuri!" Midoriya yelled as [Name] nodded and whispered how he had promised to protect them. Watching the fight, [Name] heard the itch in his mind to go fight; it was like instinct.

[Name] looked down and tightened his fists; even a little blood leaked from his palms. He was a Hashira yet he's letting his non pros classmates fight instead in his place. It took everyone's efforts to stop Nine, yet he was still standing there doing nothing. [Name] attempted to jump over the edge, but Shoji grabbed the back of his uniform. "Tsuyuri, you mustn't remember your role!"

[Name] squeezed his eyes shut before he ripped Shoji's arm away and continued running towards Nine with fury in his e/c eyes. What kind of Hashira was he if he didn't get involved? Clearly not one deserving of his title.


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