Chapter 10 ⚘

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Everyone stood shocked, watching as All Might stood up and turned towards the two remaining villains. "Well, villains I'm sure we'd like this to end as soon as possible," All Might said with his signature smile but through the smoke [Name] saw steam emitting from All Might.

The hand villain quaked with anger. "N-No way... we've been overwhelmed... my Nomu has been sent flying, he cheated, he has to have cheated!"

"What's the matter, you're not coming?" All Might mocked."You said you'd 'finish' this, right? Come and get me if you can." The hand villain flinched at All Might's words.

"A-All Might..."

"As expected, it looks like there is no need for us to fight,"

"Midoriya! We should get out of here now! It'll be worse if we end up getting taken as hostages,"

However, it seemed Midoriya had noticed All Might's bluff as well. "If only I had Nomu..." the hand villain scratched at his neck.

"Shigaraki Tomura," the warp villain interjected. "Please calm yourself, he is clearly weakened from Nomu's attacks." It seems the words got to Shigaraki as the scratching of his neck paused.

"Besides, the children are in fear and that tough one's katana is completely blunt. We also have underlings we can use," The warp villain continued as [Name] put his dull blade back into its sheath.

"Yeah... yeah... yeah." Shigaraki muttered, lowering his hands "That's right... that's right..."

More weak villains stood up as [Name] gritted his teeth before pulling his katana back out. While it may be dull, it can still be used to hit pressure points. "All Might will do something about the main villains. Let's go help the others," Kirishima hardened his arms, preparing to fight his way through to his classmates.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, turning to face Midoriya, who was staring directly at All Might.

Suddenly, Shigaraki and the warp villain launched themselves towards All Might, and [Name] could see that All Might wouldn't move in time. However, out of nowhere, Midoriya dissapeared and reappeared in the air, ready to protect All Might.

[Name]'s eyes widened as a hand reached out from the warp gate towards Midoriya's face.

However, a kunai to the hand and not soon after a gun shot made Shigaraki withdraw his hand with a yelp of pain. [Name] stood with heavy breathing in a throwing position as he held another kunai in his hand. More gunshots were sounded as more painful groans were heard.

"Sorry we're late, everyone!" The voice of the one and only principal of U.A was heard. "I gathered those immediately available," more voices were heard, yet [Name] wasn't focused on that. He was shocked at how he actually managed to hit a moving target with the kunai. 

Uzui and his three wives had tried to teach [Name] how to throw kunais, but [Name] had never hit a still target, let alone a moving one.

"Aw man, they're here." Shigaraki complained "Let's go home Kurogi-" He was shot again in the shoulder and both legs as [Name] recovered from his shock and swung another kunai which hit Shigaraki's thigh. However, this one was traced with a light poison only made to stun, courtesy of Shinobu.

Before [Name] could reach for another, the mist enshrouded Shigaraki, and even when Thirteen attempted to suck up all of Kurogiri, they managed to escape. [Name] stood next to Midoriya, bending down to see what he could attempt to do about his injuries.

Pro heroes spread throughout the building, helping other students with minor villains. "Midoriya, Tsuyuri! Are you both okay!?" Kirishima yelled, running towards his two classmates before he was stopped by a wall that appeared right in front of him.

"We want to make sure that all the students are safe, so please gather at the entrance. We pros will deal with the injured," Cementoss stated, to which Kirishima agreed before running off to the entrance after telling the others the same instructions.

"Thank you, you saved me Cementoss," All Might collapsed into a sitting position as [Name] made Midoriya's legs immobile to prevent more damage.

"T-Thank you, Tsuyuri," Midoriya bit his lower lip in pain as [Name] simply nodded.

"Tsuyuri, head to the entrance as you've sustained no injuries. We'll take it from here." Cementoss ordered as [Name] stood up and walked towards the entrance.

"Tsuyuri! I apologise for letting you get warped!" Iida bowed to which [Name] approached Asui and held his hand out as a copper coin was placed into it.

[Name] turned back towards Iida, flipping it and reading the results. "It's fine, I actually managed to help others due to it, Goodbye." [Name] went back to his other classmates.




"17...18...19...20." The detective counted each of the students. "Other than the boy who is seriously injured, everyone else appears unharmed."

"Tsuyuri, Ojiro I heard you were both so cool in your respective areas!" Hagakure spoke as [Name] just watched as Ojiro explained how he managed.

"Tsuyuri, I never knew you were skilled in kunais, you're amazing!" she complimented as [Name] flipped his coin.

"I was taught by the Shinobi Hero Uzui Tengen and his partners," [Name] explained as Ojiro and well, maybe Hagakure's eyes sparkled.

"That's amazing, Tsuyuri!" Ojiro smiled as he patted [Name] on the shoulder.




[Name] stood with Uraraka and Iida waiting for Midoriya to come back from the nurse, and once he turned up, they all began to walk home together, with [Name] staying silent for the most part unless asked questions, to which sometimes his coin told him to ignore, others he answered.

"Tsuyuri, I never thanked you. If you didn't hit him with that kunai, I would have been dead." Midoriya turned to the boy beside him, who turned towards him with the same smile that Midoriya had slowly analysed to be fake, and the coin he always flipped when conversing made him wonder exactly what happened for him to act this way. In Midoriya's eyes, [Name] had everything; a good family, wealth, health, quirk, he had the lot, yet he seemed almost emotionless with a hint of sadness behind his dull e/c eyes.

After flipping his coin, [Name] spoke. "I don't need to be thanked for that,"

"You're so humble, Tsuyuri, learn to take some credit after all, you're amazing!" Uraraka cheered as [Name]'s eyes widened before they continued walking home. [Name] had his head slightly tilted downwards for the rest of the walk until he had to split from the group.

'Kanae, is this friendship that you told me about?'

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