Chapter 22 💮

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"Good job, so there will be no school tomorrow or the day after, and I'm sure the pros that watched will want to recruit you, but that can be discussed another time, so rest well," Aizawa spoke, and the class agreed in unison.

[Name] stood up and grabbed his bag, but his classmates looking at him made him look back at them with a dead stare, making them look away. "T-Tsuyuri," Uraraka approached nervously before [Name] smiled at her to urge her to continue. "W-Where did those scars come from? They don't look like they're from training..." She trailed off as [Name]'s smile turned to a frown before he hoisted his bag onto his back and walked out the door, leaving his classmates watching him as he left.




[Name] sat staring at a gravestone with white and yellow chrysanthemums and lilies in his arms as he stared. It still seemed like yesterday rather than 4 years ago when Shinobu came back and told him of Kanae's passing. Shinobu changed a lot. She smiled a lot more, yet it was always fake and she became a Hashira as she took over [Name]'s training from Kanae to make him her Tsugoku now that she had replaced her sister.

The weather did not match [Name]'s emotions. A bright sunny sky and a warm breeze with birds singing their songs as they came and went; some even landed on [Name] along with many butterflies.

[Name] cleared some of the dirt that was lying on Kanae's grave as he bowed his head in respect for his deceased sister.

Standing up, [Name] turned and was about to walk away when...

"Tsuyuri," [Name] turned around before getting into a kneeling position in front of the head of the Ubuyashiki family. His wife was next to him, and she must have mentioned that [Name] was there.

"You must be visiting your sister. I was just about to as well." He spoke, his voice feathery and mellifluous to the ears. "You did well in the sports festival. There's no doubt you'll be an exceptional member of our agency," Amane whispered to him before he nodded. "I must go now, my child. I hope to see you at our agency soon."




[Name] walked with a black umbrella over his head and Uraraka next to him. "I can't believe my last umbrella broke..." Uraraka sighed as she kept right at [Name]'s side to stay out of the rain under the shelter of the umbrella.

"Thanks for picking me up from my house and letting me walk with you, Tsuyuri, otherwise I would have been soaking wet the moment I stepped out of my house," Uraraka smiled as [Name] nodded.

"Good morning, Tsuyuri and Uraraka!" A loud voice greeted them as Iida zoomed by in his green poncho and beige rainboots. Uraraka blinked in shock at Iida's speed as she checked her phone to see the time.

"There's still 10 minutes until the first bell. Why is he running so quick?" Uraraka inquired as [Name] simply smiled and walked on.

Once the two arrived, [Name] began wringing out his umbrella of excess water as Uraraka swapped her regular shoes for school ones, as [Name] did the same afterwards. "Thanks again, Tsuyuri!" Uraraka smiled brightly as the two began walking to class together, meeting Midoriya in the process. "Deku, how are your injuries?" Uraraka asked, to which Midoriya confirmed he was fine.

Sitting down at his respective seat, Ashido approached him, "Hey! Did anyone talk to you on your way to school, Tsuyuri?" She questioned as she sat on his desk, ignoring Iida's reprimands.

Uraraka, who had overheard, began blushing as she remembered what had happened on the way to school.


"Oh my, how sweet of you to walk your girlfriend to school in the rain. I saw you both on TV. It's good you two didn't have to battle against each other." An elderly woman smiled as Uraraka's face went red as [Name] just blinked in confusion.

"A-Ah, we're not together, just friends!" Uraraka chirped in embarrassment.

"Really? Forgive me, I thought you two were together," The woman bowed slightly before walking away, leaving Uraraka slightly flustered and [Name] not fazed.


[Name] pulled out his coin, flipped it, and then stayed silent, leaving Ashido to try and shake an answer out of him as their classmates watched in amusement at Ashido shaking [Name] back and forth as [Name] looked straight ahead with a stoic expression.

"Morning." Aizawa's tired voice made Ashido retreat to her seat as [Name] fixed his now crumpled uniform. Asui acknowledged his lack of bandages as Aizawa traced a scar now left on his face. "The old lady went overboard with treatment. More importantly, we're having a hero informatics class,"

The whole class went silent, some internally panicking about what the class may be, "Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names." Aizawa's answer made the class light up and cheer, but Aizawa activating his quirk made them settle down. "This is related to the hero drafts I mentioned the other day," Aizawa continued to explain.

"Here are the totals for those with offers." Aizawa clicked a button on the remote and a hologram popped up with names and numbers.

Tsuyuri - 5419

Todoroki - 4123

Bakugo - 3556

Tokoyami - 360

Iida - 301

Kaminari - 272

Yaoyorozu - 108

Kirishima - 68

Uraraka - 20

Sero  - 14

"Normally, in other years it's more spread out, but the main focus was on the top 3 this year," Aizawa pointed to the projection.

"There's such a big difference!" Kaminari threw his head back as he whined as others voiced their opinions on the numbers, especially those that didn't get any.

"Todoroki's second and Bakugo's third?" Jiro raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Some people are too scared to ask for someone that had to be restrained on the podium," Sero tried to whisper, but Bakugo heard as he began yelling.

"You're amazing, Tsuyuri." Yaoyorozu sighed and turned to her classmate, who flipped his coin before turning to her.

"I'm only interested in one offer; the others don't matter." He said before turning back to the front, leaving Yaoyorozu a bit confused at his lack of care despite the mass amount of votes. Aizawa continued to explain how even if you didn't get any votes, you could still do internships with pro heroes, which made some of [Name]'s classmates sigh in relief.

"Let's move on to hero names. These won't be permanent, however, if you aren't serious--" Aizawa was cut off by a feminine voice.

"You'll have hell to pay later!" The class looked to see Midnight. "Because a lot of hero names used by students end up getting recognised by society and end up becoming professional names!"

"Midnight will be making sure your hero names are suitable as I'm not good at that," Aizawa said before picking up his sleeping bag and going to sleep.

'I wonder if anyone else will be picked by the Hashiras, I remember you took some in, Kanae.'

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