Epilogue 🌹

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I saw a few people in the comments wishing they could see some other characters' reactions to the reader's death, and since I hurt you all in the last chapter, I decided to be nice.


Laid flat on her bed. Eri sighed audibly in relief at having gotten into U.A. The school that had raised her despite her dangerous quirk. She sat up quickly, rummaging through her cabinet, and pulled out a butterfly hair clip; she still kept and cherished the one he had given her all those years ago at Christmas.

She held it to her chest as she began to feel stinging in her eyes. "[Name], I did it! I'm going to be just as great as you one day, just watch!"

It had been around 8 years since his death, and Eri still mourned for him but had gradually moved on. She knew he wouldn't want her to be sad and down all the time, so she decided to keep her head up and smile like she did at the school festival eight years ago.




She walked to school, clutching her bag close to her side as she made her way to school as usual. However, something bumping into her leg and a small cry made her stop and look down to see a small boy, maybe around 7 or 8, with h/c hair and e/c eyes.

"[Name]! What have we told you about being careful!" A teenage girl probably younger than Eri scolded the boy as another girl who looked to be around the same age as Eri picked the boy back up and dusted off his clothes.

"Sorry for [Name], he can be a bit lost in his own world sometimes!" The older girl explained. "I'm Kanae; this is my younger sister Shinobu, and this boy here is our younger brother [Name]."

Eri froze at the names. It couldn't be a coincidence that these three siblings shared the exact same name and appearance as the [Name] she knew and his siblings. "A-Ah, it's fine don't worry about it!" Eri waved her arms in the air with a bright smile on her face.

"Your smile is very pretty, Miss." The boy spoke as Eri looked down at him, remembering how the [Name] she knew also complimented her smile on that school festival day.

"Well, we should get going. See yo- oh I never asked for your name!" Kanae spoke softly, giggling, as she held her brother's hand.

"It's Eri. Eri Aizawa." Eri spoke as Kanae smiled at hearing her name.

"Well, goodbye, Eri." The three siblings began to walk off before [Name] turned around.

"Bye bye, Eri." He waved as the three rounded a corner, leaving Eri fighting back tears at the boy. [Name] had never gotten to say goodbye to her before he never came back alive, so hearing those words broke her.

"[N-Name]...." She sniffled.


So, what did you think? On another note, I will still be taking requests for any ideas, as I have to admit only writing one story at a time could be a bit bland, so if you have an idea you really want to see, you can write it in the comments. Also, I may be doing a Q&A, so if you have any questions about anything regarding this book, other books, or me, you can write them in the comments. Have a good day!

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