Chapter 15 ꕥ

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[Name] stood to the side as Midoriya gasped for breath next to him. "I-I was so close... All Might," Midoriya clenched his fists in fustration of his second-place finish. Nearby, Bakugo looked furious as Todoroki was panting as steam emitted from his body.

"Deku, Tsuyuri! You two were amazing!" Uraraka cheered tiredly as she gripped onto [Name]'s uniform to stop herself from toppling over. [Name] had noticed that Uraraka was a lot more touchy than anyone else he'd ever met.

"The first round is over. Let's take a look at the results!" Midnight pointed at a screen as names and pictures were listed off along with their positions.

First: Tsuyuri [Name], Class 1-A

Second: Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A,

Third: Todoroki Shoto, Class 1-A

Fourth: Bakugo Katsuki, Class 1-A

Fifth: Shiozaki Ibara, Class 1-B

More names were listed off until it stopped at 42.

"The top 42 have made it into the second round. Congratulations!" Midnight congratulated, "Now then, let's hurry to the next round and it is....... a cavalry battle!" [Name] frowned since he wasn't the best at teamwork.

"Let me explain, shall I? The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's as you expect, but based on the results from the last round, your points have been determined!" Midnight once again pointed to a screen beginning at 42 with 5 points, 41 with 10 and so on.

"However, first place is worth... 10 million points!" Midnight smirked sadistically as everyone turned to [Name] with devilish gleams in their eyes. "Now, I will explain the rules. You have a time limit of 15 minutes and your points are all your teams added together with the rider wearing a headband of that number. You will try to take other teams' headbands until the time runs out. Now form your teams!"

As expected, no one wanted to be on [Name]'s team due to the bounty on his head, so he was left alone. Until...

"Tsuyuri!" A hand was placed on his shoulder and he turned to see Midoriya with Uraraka and another pink-haired woman behind him. "Be our final person."

[Name] nodded, and Midoriya lit up in relief as the pink-haired woman instantly grabbed him by the hand. "First place and a heroes relative!? I've gotten so lucky that my babies will be on display for everyone!" [Name] tilted his head as Midoriya told him that she was called Hatsume Mei and she was from the support course.

"So who's going to be the rider?" Uraraka asked as Hatsume turned to [Name] but he looked at Midoriya.

Midoriya saw [Name]'s stare and agreed. "I should be the rider. Tsuyuri, you're very quick, so you should be in the front, and Uraraka, Hatsume, you should go at the sides," Everyone seemed to agree with Midoriya, and Midnight came over, handing the headband of all [Name]'s team points added together, which really wasn't necessary considering how many points [Name] had by himself.

"ALRIGHT! Time's up!" Present Mic screamed excitedly, ready for the cavalry battle. "Light the signal fire!"

"Three!" Present Mic clenched his fists in excitement.

"Two!" He was now shaking an injured Aizawa back and forth.

"One!" Now Aizawa had him by the hair.

"Start!" Midnight intercepted as the rapid movement of footsteps was heard as all teams headed straight for Midoriya and the group.

"What do we do, Deku!?" Uraraka looked worriedly at him as they watched the other teams get closer and closer.

"We... run away!" Midoriya answered, but suddenly [Name] jumped, throwing the whole team up with faint flowers falling and littering the floor behind. "W-Woah!" Midoriya cried before he saw the flowers sink into the floor as a result of a students quirk that just missed them.

[Name] landed graciously after knocking away Jiro's ear jacks, as the others looked at him in shock at his strength yet also his gentleness. "Amazing! I knew I made the right choice in picking this group!" Hatsume pumped a fist in the air as they continued running, dodging teams as they all charged towards them once more.

"You're incredible [Name]! You have extreme skill. You were trained fantastically!" Midoriya complimented as [name] smiled and continued to run.

"Next time we should use my babies rather than our main runner in case he gets tired!" Hatsume suggested, even though the group knew she only cared about her inventions being shown off.

"Gah! My foot's stuck!" Uraraka cried as she looked down at her feet to see a familiar purple ball. Looking back, she saw Shoji running towards them.

"Over here, Midoriya!" Mineta smirked as he held another of his purple hair balls as another recognisable quirk in the shape of a long frog tongue flew at them, but [Name] batted it away using his sword hilt since he wouldn't use the blade and cut off his classmates' tongue.

Midoriya quickly hit the button of the jetpack he was given by Hatsume and their group was sent shooting into the sky once more. However, in the result of escaping, Uraraka's boots that she was given by Hatsume were ripped off. "No! My baby!!" Hatsume cried at her broken creation.

Loud explosions from the left made [Name] swivel his head to see Bakugo in hot pursuit. "Kacchan!" Midoriya tried to figure out a solution. "Tsuyuri!" [Name] got the plea for help and inhaled before muttering.

"Third Form: Camellia Ascension"

A wall of flowers after a single powerful upwards strike covered and dampened Bakugo's explosions as [Name] used his foot to deliver a powerful kick to Bakugo's stomach in order to push him back before he was wrapped in tape and brought back to his horse. [Name]'s group landed once more as [Name] retracted his katana to adjust his grip on Midoriya so he wouldn't fall.

"Now, let's take a look at each team's points!" Present Mic announced before he gasped dramatically. "Other than team Midoriya, Class 1-A's failing! Even Bakugo has zero points!"

[Name] suddenly halted, making the whole group bump into each other as they looked to see what had stopped him. [Name]'s right foot was covered in a thick layer of ice as Team Todoroki was in front of them.

"I'll be taking that now."

'Kanae, I'm going to win this!'

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