Chapter 31 ⚜

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A few days ago

"Then to determine the teams. First, Todoroki, in general, is doing well but has a tendency to use brute force. Yaoyorozu is an all-rounder but lacks the ability to make quick decisions, so I will battle them." Aizawa said as everyone nodded along with his words.

"Next, Midoriya, and Bakugo. I'll be leaving them to you, All Might; for these two, I didn't pair them off due to ability or grades but on how terribly they get along." Aizawa sighed, as did all the faculty, at the mention of the two's relationship.

"Then, Tsuyuri. He's incredibly strong for his age; there's no doubt about that; he could even be considered at a pros level, but he depends too much on that coin. So I want to pressure him into making his own choices by perhaps getting that coin away from him during battle as he becomes irrational when he loses it." Aizawa said as Midnight coughed to gain attention.

"I agree. However, we don't have enough faculty for a teacher to fight [Name], so we could just have one of us do it twice, but..." Midnight trailed off.

"I already have a plan for that." Aizawa smirked.




[Name] noticed how his match would be last.

"The time limit for the exam is thirty minutes, and there are two ways to win. Either put these handcuffs on your opponent, or one of you escapes from the stage," Nezu explained.

"In some cases, your opponent may be stronger than you, so it's smarter to run away and get help. Todoroki, Tsuyuri, Midoriya, Iida. You all know this very well,"

[Name] stood alone as others found their teammate and began discussing strategies. He ended up going to watch the other matches and bumped into Uraraka, who was also heading the same way.

"Oh, Deku? You're also watching?" Uraraka asked as [Name] followed her into the room behind her and stood staring at the large screens.

"Yeah, I want to watch our classmates, and besides, Kacchan didn't really want to form a plan with me," Midoriya sighed.

First was Kirishima and Sato vs. Cementoss. They decided the best course of action would be to break through all of Cementoss' cement and fight him; however, they underestimated his abilities, and they were captured once they ran out of energy.

"Team Sato and Kirishima retire due to both members losing consciousness."

[Name] closed his eyes as he heard Recovery Girl get up and walk out of the room. [Name] knew he was already at a disadvantage by not knowing the opponent he was battling against.

Once Recovery Girl had returned, the next battle of Asui and Tokoyami vs. Ectoplasm began. Their plan was to escape through the gate, but they were surrounded by multiple copies of their opponent. However, Asui and Tokoyami had good communication and a secret plan that ended in handcuffing Ectoplasm, even if it was just by one leg.

"Team Asui and Tokoyami have passed!"

After Asui and Tokoyami, it was Iida and Ojiro, and [Name] blinked in confusion as Iida was giving Ojiro a piggyback. It was a quick match as Iida launched Ojiro out the escape gate, and Ojiro crashed to the floor after being flung out of the gate at intense speed as Uraraka next to [Name] attempted to hold in her giggles.

"Team Iida and Ojiro have passed."

[Name] practised coin tricks until the fourth match of Todoroki and Yaoyorozu vs. Aizawa started. As soon as it started, [Name] noticed how Todoroki immediately took the lead as Yaoyorozu hesitated a lot. Halfway through their battle, [Name] stopped watching and instead tried to come up with a plan for himself, considering he had no idea who his opponent may be.

[Name] didn't know if they were long-ranged or close-ranged, what their quirk was, or anything. Once [Name] heard the buzzer, it snapped him out of his reverie and he looked up to see that Yaoyorozu and Todoroki had apprehended Aizawa. He also noticed how Uraraka had left since her match was up next.

"Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have passed."

"Hey, Tsuyuri, you must be struggling to think of a plan, aren't you?" Midoriya asked as [Name] nodded. "I understand. It must be hard since you don't know your opponent. Why don't you make a main plan? Are you running to the escape gate or fighting? If so, make stems of certain situations and what course of action you should take for each of them."

Midoriya looked like he was going to say more after his advice, but the sound of a horn signalling Uraraka and Aoyama vs. Thirteen had begun, so he focused back on the screen as he stood quite close next to [Name].

Nothing was really exciting about their match aside from its final stage, where Aoyama and Uraraka were clinging to a pole for dear life as Thirteen used their quirk to essentially trap them.


"We were so close!" Uraraka began thinking of what to do, what her friends would do to get out of this situation.

"Hey," Aoyama said loudly over the volume of Thirteen's quirk.

"Hold on! Right now, I'm think--" Uraraka was interrupted by what Aoyama said next.

"You were thinking of what Midoriya would do and how Tsuyuri would defeat Thirteen, weren't you? Do you... like them?" Aoyama said as Uraraka's face flushed a blazing scarlet before she let go of the pipe to press her palms against her cheeks before she went zooming towards Thirteen, who luckily shut off their quirk to avoid Uraraka's death.

Uraraka quickly leapt into action and tackled Thirteen to the ground as Aoyama stopped Thirteen's arm before Uraraka placed the handcuffs on one of Thirteen's wrists.

"Team Aoyama and Uraraka have passed!"

Uraraka blushed as she exited the arena, with Aoyama next to her as he smirked at her flaming cheeks.


[Name] smiled at Uraraka's success, but he and Midoriya did wonder what they were talking about before Uraraka accidentally let go. The screens didn't contain sounds, so it was a mystery to the two boys.

"The sixth match is Ashido and Kaminari, who will be up against Principal Nezu," Yaoyorozu spoke from her spot next to [Name] as he nodded along with her.

'Kanae I will do this, I know I will'

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