Chapter 48 ✾

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"Huh?! The Eri girl is in their stronghold?" Rock Lock was aghast at what he had just been told by Nighteye.

"By stronghold, you mean..." Fat Gum began.

"The residence of the head of the Hassikai..." Ryukyu finished.

"So our investigations were a complete waste of time!?" Rock Lock slammed his hands on the desk in frustration.

"No, we were also able to gather new information as well." Nighteye spoke. before he placed a box with multiple cute anime characters and hearts on it. "A member of the Hassaikai went to a nearby department store the other day and bought toys targeted towards young girls,"

"Huh? Maybe he just likes things like that! Anyway, why did you buy one too?" Fat Gum opposed. Nighteye began to explain how he used his quirk on the man and saw him give the toy to a scared Eri.

Once the students had changed into their hero outfits, they all travelled to the stronghold containing Eri. [Name] stood next to Tomioka as the two were preparing to charge in there.

The police chief rang the doorbell, but suddenly someone crashed out, and some police were sent crashing backwards as [Name] caught one in his arms swiftly.

The villain was gigantic and could clearly do a lot of damage to the police, who weren't trained heroes. [Name] was about to charge in and attack, but was stopped by Hado. "Don't. Us at the Ryukyu agency will take care of this!"

[Name] ran in with the other heroes as some other weak villains were taken down easily. Bursting through the doors, Nighteye stopped the group next to a vase of flowers and began pressing the wooden panels in a certain way, and the wall revealed a hidden passageway.

Suddenly, a bunch of villains shot out, and [Name] hit one on the pressure point and didn't bother to catch him when he slumped to the floor. Centipede and Bubble Girl got the other two.

Running down the steps, Tomioka looked ready to draw his sword any second. Ubuyashiki had warned the Hashiras that since two have died and the other retired due to injuries, they have to be more careful to not end up the same, as currently they don't have any Tsugukos. [Name] still needs to find someone to take over for him when he dies.

However, suddenly they ran into a dead end. Togata used permeation and stuck his head through the wall before turning back. "It's been blocked off by a wall,"

Midoriya and Kirishima used their quirks to break the wall down, but after that, the entire hallway started rolling and changing shape. Tomioka and [Name] instantly held onto each other to try and stay stable, but with how much the path was rolling, it proved to be impossible.

"I'll go ahead!" Togata yelled. "Time is of the essence; they know this, so they're stalling for time!"

Amajiki gasped as a hand rested on his shoulder.

"Suneater, don't doubt yourself, you're in the Big Three." [Name] spoke with a smile as Amajiki looked at him in shock. However, it didn't last long as a hole in the ground opened up and everyone fell through as [Name] and Amajiki gripped onto each other as they hit the ground harshly.

"A-Are you alright?" Amajiki stuttered as [Name] got up with a nod before helping Amajiki up.

"Hey, hey, hey. Some government authorities have fallen from the sky. Strange things do happen, huh?" A villain spoke as [Name] saw the three ready for a fight.

Amajiki seemed hesitant for a moment, but looking at [Name] and remembering his words, he stepped forward as Fat Gum spoke. "It's about time we showed them the strength of pro--"

"Save the strength of pros for the goal, I'll be enough by myself!" Amajiki spoke as the group was stunned to silence as [Name] had a bona fide smile on his face.

"Let's go." Fat Gum ordered.

"Tsuyuri, take care of Mirio! He'll push himself too hard." Amajiki ordered as [Name] voiced a sound of agreement before taking off after the other heroes.

Suddenly, Aizawa was hit by a piece of wall as it was clear the villain was trying to eliminate him early due to his quirk, but Fat Gump jumped in the way as [Name] also noticed Kirishima diving too.

The group continued to run, but the endless halls began to swirl once more, and the walls began to cave in on them, but Rock Lock acted quickly and frozen the walls in place, but there was still an onslaught of walls being shot forward in an attempt to crush them, but Midoriya shot past and destroyed it.

Suddenly, the barrage stopped, but soon after, walls separated the group from one another, and Tomioka and [Name] luckily acted quickly and stayed together.

It was silent for a while, but once again the walls and floor began to move as Tomioka and [Name] heard a blood-curdling scream. After the scream, a hole opened up in the ground, and Tomioka and [Name] fell through.

"Tomioka!" [Name] yelled as the two were now separated.

[Name] was dumped in the middle of an open room, not long after the rest of the heroes burst in. "A Hashira!" A villain yelled.

Soon after, [Name] felt a bullet pierce through his skin. "N-No!" Mirio yelled. "That bullet erases people's quirks permanently!"

The group gasped as they turned to [Name], who looked at the ground darkly before pulling out his sword.

"First Form: Orchid Blossoming!"

[Name] knocked multiple villains unconscious and even managed to land a cut on Overhaul before he had to jump back. "N-No... you shouldn't be able to use our quirk at all, no exceptions..."

"Y-You must be... you have to be..." Chronostasis stuttered.

Aizawa's eyes widened as he remembered something strange about [Name]'s quirk.


"Nezu, something I'm confused about is [Name]'s quirk; it isn't actually written down as a specific thing," Midnight began.

"Well, sometimes quirks can be too complicated to be put under a label," Snipe spoke.

"Yes, that is true, and [Name]'s quirk isn't the easiest to describe as it isn't just flowers," Midnight agreed.


"Tsuyuri, are you...


'Kanae, Shinobu. I've revealed the secret. I'm sorry.'

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